Maybe instead we should become a part of Canada

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It has been my experience that Trump always says the stupidest stuff in front of the camera (I.e Canada will be the 51st state, we should buy Greenland, there are fine people on both sides, etc.) bc he’s doing incredibly dumber shit behind the cameras. It’s all just a distraction.

I’m so sorry , but if you voted for trump … fuck you

Be Canadian. Why not? It has to be better than what’s being done right now.

The average lifespan in Canada, for both men and women, is 3.5 years more than the US.

Trump can fuck right off.

Why is it that I only see Bernie and AOC push back against Trump’s nonsense anymore? The rest of the Democrats are dead silent. Have they all completely folded in the face of Trump’s madness? He’s talking about annexing countries and attacking allies and all we get from senior democrats are *crickets*🦗? Fucking spineless pussies the lot of em, no wonder they keep losing elections.

Speaking as a Canadian… even with all the recent fuck ups afflicting our healthcare system, I’d still take it any day over my experiences in the states. Though I’d like to generally note that’s not against the staff themselves most of the time.

Of course, Trump needs to just shut his mouth overall.

Everything that comes out of that Cockwombles mouth is offensive!

It is as if that guy is required to talk…

-without thinking of consequences

-without thinking about the truth

-without thinking of anyone but himself

When future teachers start teaching my grandkids about how Trump was “charismatic” and “fooled innocent people into supporting him” I’m going straight to their office and showing then this shit.

Trump was a complete and utter nutjob whose supporters were paralyzingly braindead from the get go. There is no defending them and no understanding their reasoning. They were told the most blatant, bullshit lies by a reality TV actor who quite literally hadn’t said a single true thing in his entire fucking life. They deserve every single fucking thing he did to them and their lives.

Trump wants to make Canada the 51st state? Canadians would riot as soon as they saw a $10,000 ambulance bill. Maple syrup exports would stop overnight.

A state with 40-something seats in the House. And the republicans can try to gerrymander it any way they want, they’ll all vote blue.

Congratulations President Chucklehead you’ve turned the House blue for at least 5 election cycles.

And he is so politically ignorant that he has. Absolutely no idea how big headache Quebec will cause him.

Much better healthcare…. I moved from the US to the Netherlands and I had a nice comfortable income 500k and a great insurance.

Still my healthcare is better and cheaper in the Netherlands.

The healthcare in the US is a myth we are told to justify the exorbitant costs.

Lying and saying absolutely moronic stuff inside the US borders may go down for half of the population but people outside the US won’t eat any of the word salads this geriatric tadpole throws up.

Plot twist: Canada annexes the U.S. and gives us all healthcare, maple syrup, and better manners.

This highlights a real issue Canada’s system prioritizes accessible healthcare, while the U.S. still struggles with affordability. Maybe it’s time we take a serious look at their model instead of dreaming about merging.

Given the chance, I’d expect the entire west coast of the USA to jump at the chance to voluntarily join Canada.

As a Canadian, I wish Bernie could be our prime minister! America should be proud they have citizens like him. Sad that he’s not president. But that’s the oligarchs doings.

The unfortunate reality is that most people not understanding how good is universal healthcare never truly lived in a country which has it, and the same goes for people bitching about how bad is universal healthcare when they have it, is that they never lived and had any medical issue in the United States.

At the end of the day anyone making less than $200,000 pays more taxes and shit in the US than other countries because of the cost of healthcare, either paid by you or by your employer, that chunk of the compensation is significant, and it’s just a horribly large part of your paycheck the less you make.

my health insurance which is FANTASTIC (0 deductible and $2,250 max out of pocket per year, in or our outside network) is $22,000 something of my compensation… and yet, still more expensive than what I would have to pay in Italy for the same level of coverage…. and in Italy such level of coverage costs roughly 20% of your income taxes, which, for your average employee is about $2,000/year.

I mean, all the mouthbreathers complaining about the queues in the public systems wouldn’t have the money for the private one… I’d like to see who can hop in and have 10/20/30,000 right there for the max out of pocket if you get really sick when the average american struggle to have few thousand bucks in a saving account.

Sadly as a Canadian working in the trades most my co-workers think this is a great idea.

Edit: guess what province I live in

Yes, we would be happy to have certain states join Canada.

We don’t want you.

From Canada – FUCK OFF tRump.

It’s not “free” healthcare in Canada. Tax payers pay for that. I wish people would stop saying anything is “free.” It’s not.

.. and if it becomes a state, given the sizable population and land mass, it would have hundreds of congressional districts. Since it’s a very liberal country, that would tip control of congress to the Democrats who could then block everything Trump attempts to do and remove him from office. Im all for doing this. Democrats should let Canada know that we only need to adopt them for a short period to contain the pathogen that is MAGA, then we would return them to a sovereign nation state.

Canada isn’t joining the states and it sure as hell wouldn’t make their coverage better BUT there is absolutely no reason they would be required to give up their healthcare to become a state of it did happen (it won’t).

Welcome aboard, future hosers

Modern problems require modern solutions:

Just the increase in kids we would have to have shot at schools to catch their low end puts me off.

Should let trump cook, think of the shakeup in congress if Canadas provinces each became states. All those extra seats in the house and senate… would be interesting if it flipped house and senate control.

My god trump is insane

The union is about to implode and he think it’s time to expand? Lmao

Trump and the true art of his deals. Selling people things they don’t want that are clearly inferior.

I have a coworker who was Canadian, he said that he had a heath issue come up and they scheduled him for 6 months out to check out what it was. He said once they moved here he was shocked he was actually able to get it checked out in a timely manner. That is second hand I understand, so take it as you will.

Please, just let the good states join Canada. Leave the worthless corn-belt to the MAGA idiots.

So. No Canada. No Greenland. No Panama. No Gulf of America. Mars is not going to happen in the next four years. Everything is going to get more expensive. If he goes trough with his tarifs, things will get more expensive still. The war in Ukraine is still going. Hezbollah still exists. And a lot of his executive orders are going to get watered down or shot down by a judge because, you know, unconstitutional. He is going to be so dissapointed.

In the meantime he scammed a lot of people out of their money with his lame crypto. He has become even more laughable to the rest of the world than he was before. His cabinet consists of clowns and weird characters. And he is just openly selling everything to the highest bidders. He is making America something again on his second term, but it not going to be great.

He got his get out of jail free card and now he can do whatever the hell he wants. Good job America!

Canadians politely declining the offer:

“Fox off!”

Honestly, we happily accept any states that wanted to leave as long as they followed all our laws.

translation,if canada became the 51st state it’s full of more people i can grift

Also what would happen to laws and the government and government run stuff?

Such an unhinged thing to say

Bernie up there acting like he didn’t build what he’s describing… 🤔

Insane that for all the benefits he could have tried to put forth to coerce Canada (none being good, BTW) to join the USA he chose *health care*. Perhaps the single worst area of comparison.

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