Maybe not ‘hardly any’ but certainly a lot less!!

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Two Things That Never Get Old, Dark Humor & Unvaccinated Children.

But we don’t need them anymore kids don’t die from them anymore. It’s all a conspiracy to put microchips in you. /s.

Am I reading that wrong? For me he’s saying that you need to vaccinate your kids to ensure their life, not the opposite, how is that a facepalm?

One very sad positive about this is that if stupidity is hereditary, this should thin out the “stupid”

Medical regulations and policy are written in blood

My local cemetery is full of entire families who died within days of each other from the Spanish Flu. Also known as COVID the First.

But go ahead with the Ivermectin, bleach and swallowing light bulbs 🤨

I had a cousin who had polio. Get your kids vaccinated!

This is not a facepalm.

He is speaking the truth.

hey it’s the guy who did the star trek computer displays.

Some lessons need to be learned the hard way.

It is hardly any. Less than hardly any

These are the lucky ones. My question, though, is what happens when anti-vacc parents experience their own children being killed or maimed by polio? I suspect they won’t change their mind; they’ll say it’s a liberal plot that deliberately infected their children.


That’s the problem. Republicans can’t read

Really eery seeing old tombstones laying out how typhoid almost wiped out an entire family over a few years with a lot of.. short start – end dates

2024 and we are talking about this, anti-science on the rise. Sometimes I think we deserve a beautiful extintion.

I just recently read [Dr. Francis Collins’]( book *The Road to Wisdom.* He was the director of the NIH under Biden, Trump, and Obama, and before that he was the director of the Human Genome Project. He was Dr. Fauci’s boss during the pandemic. He writes,

>Quite arguably the area where science has made the most direct contribution to human flourishing is in health. At teh beginning of the twentieth century, the average person in the United States lived just to age forty-seven. One out of four children died in childhood. Now our average lifespan is seventy-nine, and only one out of 150 children die in childhood. Vaccines are a major reason; diseases like pertussis, measles, diphtheria, and polio that used to take the lives of tens of thousands of children every year are now rare.

My english isn’t perfect and I saw to many “Anti-vax” Posts online. Is she pro or contra for vaxination? I think she is pro and just made a gramatik error.

What a fucking idiot.

What are u doing out here?
Looking for baby graves pre 1950
Oh ok, carry on

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