Maybe not quite murdered, but accurate

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Your Dad raw dogged a Porn Star while your step mom was home with your 5 month old half brother…

Still amazing that millions of people look at this rich, senile freak and see an embodiment of capable leadership, masculinity, and intelligence

His official portrait even looks like an evil picture. Why did they think that looked good? He doesn’t look presidential he looks like the anti-christ.

Trump is more like Jar Jar than a Jedi…just sayin’

Shit apples Randy.

Motherfucker over here looking like the emperor’s corpse.

Saw the pictures first and then who posted it…

My first thought was: “yeah, he do look sinister as fuck like Palpatine… Oh, Don jr.? You were trying to make him look good? DAMN…”

No no, it’s clearly Force Awakens, Last Jedi, and Rise of Skywalker
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Human Centipede, Human Centipede 2, Human Centipede 3.

So Darth Vader then…but doesn’t have the force and is about as smart as a freighter droid.

I’m guessing they rooted for Vader.

Keep star wars out of your fucking mouth, you degenerate filth.

He looks like Vigo The Carpathian on his 3rd picture.

Why did they put such sinister lighting on him in the third pic? Bro is cloaked in shadow

DJTJ cuckiing hard for dad’s love

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The consensus best in the trilogy was the one where he was not in power.

So the Sith Lords are taking over on January 20.

Not surprising considering that Republican health and education policies are contributing to the massacre of the younglings.

Isnt it more like:

2014: The Phantom Menace
2018: Attack of the Clones (on Capitol)
2024: Revenge of the Sith ?


How do they look at this and not see an insecure loser?

Danesh is great

In one of the new Star Wars movies, weren’t Maga mad bc they thought Emperor Palitipne reminded them of Trump?

Surely it’s more “The Phantom Menace” through “Revenge of the Sith” …

I mean…like they do see that his first photo is about as good as you could possibly make him look right? Like if I lived in a utopian alternate universe where I had never heard of him and saw that photo and somebody told me “yeah he was president at one point” I’d kinda shrug and say yeah probably.

But the other ones look so comedically bad I’d assume they were from a movie about Kevin Hart preparing Dongo Trum to survive in prison

Return of the Pedi

Whole family is a waste of oxygen

conservatives vs. irony and media literacy are always the cherry on top for me.

Apparently, Donald was very unhappy with Ivana wanting to name the kid “Jr”. He shot back, “What if he turns out to be a loser?!”


Phantom menace

Attack of the clones

Revenge if the sith.

Interesting to feature the only villain.


Keep Star Wars out of your fucking mouth you god damn coke head

“Get my Star Wars name out of your MFing mouth” – really hoping this to soon be a quote from George Lucas

Somehow Palpatine returns.

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