Maybe they have been allies since the time of ancient Egypt

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This big Roman guy, centurion, comes up to me, tears in his eyes โ€ฆ

Four. More. Years. Of. This. Shit.

This is going to be a huge test of endurance.

โ€œThe United States and Italy are bound together by a shared cultural and political heritage dating back thousands of years, to ancient Rome โ€ฆโ€


Civilization VI player?

The man is a fucking moron.

I donโ€™t live in America and I donโ€™t like Trump but I think itโ€™s necessary to acknowledge heโ€™s changed the rules for politicians.
he manages to say a couple of things a week that would torpedo any politicians career, and it has become normal

Too late now, he’s said it so now he believes it and will never back down.
Most ignorant President in all of America’s history.

Next thing Trump will say is that America will make Rome a state.

Can you imagine if biden said this? The media would be hounding him, asking if he could do the job. But I hear about this though reddit.

Her face is really priceless ๐Ÿคฃ She finally grasped how coocoo crazy olโ€™ donny gets

Anyone who does not call out this demented liar is enabling him

He can not possible be so uneducated.

The Roman legions helped our brave patriots seize the airports at the Battle of Bowling Green during the American Revolutionary War.

The famous Roman general, Fatticus, quite famously taught our brave soldiers to never fight uphill with the quote “never fight uphill, me boys”, which sounds a lot better in Latin.

Biden at least had age as his excuse. Chump is just stupid.

Americans: be proud of what you have chosen to represent you!โ€ฆ
The whole world laughs at you!

This is made up.

People really don’t be looking into misinformation before sharing.

Putting aside the obvious timelineโ€ฆ America was at war with Italy during WW2!!!!!

Werenโ€™t Italians considered second class citizens a few decades ago?

I mean, Thor is a good friend of Captain Americaโ€™s.

Sad thing is that most of America doesn’t know – or care really.

Imaging Biden saying that or saying the revolutionary army stormed the airports, the right would be freaking out, and thatโ€™s a tiny fraction of the crazy shit this idiot has said.

Not even in office yet and I already want out.

Didnโ€™t even think of the fact that America wasnโ€™t around at that time lmao I just thought of fucking World War II, like how can he forget such an important time of recent human history???

He then dedicated his presidential campaign win to all the Americans who died alongside their Italian counterparts at the Battle of Cannae.

The funny part is that over 50% of Yanks probably believe him.

He didn’t say that..did he?

That’s hilarious

mofo’s so stupid

America was there when Babylon was created

Chat is this real?

This isnt a parody is it.

Weโ€™ve become inured to it. Itโ€™s like the low grade headache that never goes away. You just plod on until something changes or you die. Because yeah you really just get to that point.

Yeah, Mussolini was such a great ally.


That’s the face of someone who wishes they only spoke one language.


Folks. This is who far too many of us chose to lead our country. Why do we hate ourselves so much?

He is obviously referring to the Ancient Rome from 1922 to 1943.

As a Sumerian, I can confirm I know Donald personally and have shared many fatted calves with him. Goblets of cola were consumed, whilst 15yr old handmaid’s attended.

The King of Idiots.

this is the VERY public face of america.. we went from the nice old grey haired grandpa occasionally rambling off at at tangent to wierd delusional narcissist turd that just refuses to flush

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