Maybe your taste buds don’t work

By Dezeko
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Lol no, they do not taste the same. Similar maybe, but not the same. Might as well lump Dr Pepper, RC, and Mr Pibb in there too if your pallet is that unrefined.

Pepsi is sweeter

Bottle coke > can coke

Bottle Pepsi < can Pepsi

Tangentially relevant but I will speak my truth

I think its got something to do with the carbonation. Imo Pepsi is far less fizzy and sort of tastes like carbonated cola cordial. While coke is quite fizzy, but ultimately flat coke tastes very similar to Pepsi.

This is going to sounds weird but hang with me. Pepsi feels round/wavy while coca cola feels sharp/harsh.

Personally I prefer the one that takes rust off vehicles

Become much easier to distinguish since they started mixing artificial sweetener in regular Peps in these parts of the world šŸ™

Sure, Coca Cola tastes way better than Pepsi

Pepsi max > coke > coke zero > generic cola > pepsi

Pepsi is so good with hot melting pizza

pepsi has soo much more sugar in it though. way too sweet.

They definitely taste the same to me : awful

They donā€™t, but I couldnā€™t tell you which is which

It depends entirely on the region.

From where I come from, both beverages are bottled/canned by the same company, sent to the warehouses of the respective distributors, and then sold in retail stores.

From what i heard there is a noticeable difference between canned and bottled cola drink

Pepsi has an amaretto flavor that coke doesn’t

Pepsi is better than Coke but Coke Zero is better than both regulars AND Pepsi Zero. Dr. Pepper/Dr. Pepper Zero beat all.

Pepsi is sweeter, coke makes your teeth feel weird.

They are the same thing! I feel like I am taking crazy pills!

Coke is only good when it comes in a glass bottle from Mexico, or in a tiny bag, also from Mexico.

Maybe but Pepsi almost instantly turns your mouth into a CO2-thrower

They don’t taste the same at the same temperature, but room temperature Pepsi tastes like cold Coke

Coca cola makes my stomach hurt

Pepsi is less carbonated than coke from what iā€™ve tasted

Coke is sometimes a bit more syrupy than Pepsi.
Not exactly sure how to explain it but thatā€™s the way I can think of it

Coke has way more sugar in it so yeah… but I’ll say both are ass and you can throw dr pepper as well into the ass mix.

Pepsi, coke, and RC taste similar to me.

True. But Pepsi looks cooler because


I like both but prefer Coke from the can/bottle but Pepsi from the fountain. But I avoid soda these days.

Both are bad

I heard in the US, they use corn syrup instead of sugar. Maybe that’s why some people say they taste the same

They do, but Cola is just better

I will drink Pepsi first and my brother is the other way around. Thinking about it Iā€™m not sure I really taste the difference but I will almost always choose Pepsi unless at McDonalds

They are slightly different but who cares? I feel sick after drinking either

try testing them without knowing which one is pepsi and which one is cola, you are going to be surprised

But like they do tho

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