me as a parent

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Turn microwave horizontally about 90° you should have some wriggleroom to take some things out

Not a bad idea.
My flatmate is an ahole that was never taught how to behave in a decent manner and all the appliances in the kitchen are mine (bar the refrigerator) so I might chain them all up.
See how he likes that.

Fyi: He is that type of asshole that is loud on their phones at 3 am.
No common courtesy and our landlord did jack to get me involved when looking for a new Tennant (as it’s my right in the contract). She did not even call ahead of time to inform me he is moving in. He just moved in. And I had to live with it.


Plastic handcuffs?

I love doing dishes. I don’t know why. I know I hated it when I was 10. I love a clean kitchen and sink.

It’s a poster for weight watchers.

Now this encourages me to find a hacksaw or learn lockpicking

You can open this

You when CPS shows up: “iT wAs JuSt A jOke!”

wow haha

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