me irl

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Pancake mix is too thin

Enjoys as crepes

Omelet didn’t flip right

Enjoys as scramby eggs




reminds me of a food label on a box here.

“calories in 1 serving (2 pancakes): ~300

calories in 53 servings (106 pancakes): a lot”

it was just showing the nutrition label for the “entire box” but still made me and my family laugh lol.

First of all, water? For pancakes you use milk…

Second of all, what the hell is pancake mix? Is it just flour mixed with eggs?

Who tf uses water in their pancakes?!

God forbid you actually measue

😆😆😆😆 been there.

Water ????

That’s one of the US things that we don’t understand outside of the country.

Pancake/cake mix.

What’s the point? It’s just a mix of dry ingredients that you can put into a bowl yourself. Why not just get them in the kitchen and mix them yourself in 2 minutes?

They probably add a bunch of crap to the mix as well as preservatives etc.

What the f is a pancake mix? It is such a simple recipe and yet you use premade garbage???

Fail safe pancake recipe – 1 mug of self raising flour, 1 mug of milk and 1 egg. Perfect every time and cheaper than pre made mix

Water ? Must be an American thing right ?

Let the batter sit for a few minutes to hydrate properly ya freaks

I usually just use two eggs and eyeball the milk and eggs till it’s where I want it and then Sugar to taste.

I always used milk

Just do pancakes russian style with runny batter next time

Measure your flour by weight and not using measuring cups. It does help.


water? 😭😭😭

Add both at the same time, that way you’ll never have one OR the other. Merely a superposition of both states until you eat the pancake and collapse the wave function

Me this morning!!

Or just learn how to cook.

Wtf do you mean water? Are you making a fucking bread? What sort of lunacy is that?

Add half a cup of oatmeal

Water… Freak

1 egg

1 cup flour

1cup milk

1/2tbl sugar

1/2tbl baking soda

1tbl vanilla

HAHA so true

so relate!

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