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Good to know that i’m not insane.

No unique experiences.

Oh, so I’m not the only one

I’m 34 and I still do this.

Actually relatable

You can do it. I’m gonna back you up mentally from over here.

I’m 28 btw

Thank you for validating me

I really feel it comes from people who are capable of many things but unmotivated and stuck in a kind of creative slump.

this but im playing the drums lol

That was supposed to stay a private thought.

Now thats a true me irl meme. 10/10 can relate to this.

I like to imagine I’m playing on a street corner. In reality, I’m too scared to leave the house at times.

So learn to play it and then do it

Elvis did it, you can too.

Imagining myself showing up in my full regalia to be acknowledged by the band just because I’m so cool…


Me with every. Single. Damn. Metallica song…

Coincidentally, I am going to perform a few Metallica songs with my band very soon during a music contest in school. About 200 people will be watching while we perform!

I used to have this dream. Now as an adult I have the same dream but with my kids in the band in front of my coworkers or at the kids talent show

Okay, but what’s everyone’s go to song for this experience?

[This is mine. lol.](

As a child, I imagined that my school was attacked and then I burst in and saved the whole school

This but dancing… like that makes it better lol

Me soloing Space Jam while dribbling a basketball.

True story. I wish there was more of this and less of that dream of being in class with no pants on.

I do this, but I did win the school’s talent show once when I was younger. Really, I’m remembering a good time I had with different music.

Kinda comforting knowing I’m not the only person whos done that

I thought I was the only one all this time…

This post makes me feel a lot better about myself… doing this is the only way I get through chores and stuff

I’m 43 and I still imagine playing songs in front of people I went to school with in my old hometown, impressing them, completely changing how they looked at me. I don’t actually care what any of them think these days but that’s who I find myself thinking about playing in front of during my “maladaptive daydreams”.

It doesn’t end, even at 30. I imagine a song, and flipping off the mean kids because I’m so imaginary talented

Open up your eyes, take a look at me …

Finally something I can really relate

This is me except its not a positive thought. I imagine that for some reason I’m on the school stage and I’m suddenly forced to do karaoke in front of the entire school.

had these thoughts in the 1980’s. nothing changes

Me but I actually ended up doing it (it turned out well)

Day by day, I realize I have not had a single original experience

it seems I’m getting a bit old for reddit

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