Me irl

By Th3-B0t
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Most intellectually honest philosophy debate

Unfortunately I canā€™t join the discussion, I read Nietzche.

Most of social media and the internet in a nutshell. Just not this honest.


That’s Reddit in a nutshell

Nietzsche is just as dead as God, he can’t speak. He only has his written works left.

Me _ Who’s niche by the way?


Personally, I think Nietzsche is overrated anyway. He was pretty full of himself.

They aren’t very good books, he just goes on and on.

Okay, I can join this debate.

ā€œSo far as the superstitions of the logicians are concerned, I shall never tire of emphasizing a small, terse fact, which these superstitious fellows are loath to admitā€”namely, that a thought comes when ā€˜itā€™ wishes, not when ā€˜Iā€™ wish; so that it is a perversion of the facts of the case to say that the subject ā€˜lā€™ is the condition of the predicate ā€˜think.ā€
Beyond Good and Evil – Aphorism 17

Alright, all of you, get out. Youā€™ve read Nietzsche.

You know, Nietzsche says, ‘Out of chaos comes order’

To be fair, most of his books are boring af, at least for my ape brain.

Read it? I own it! But no, I haven’t read it…

Americans in a screenshot

“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.”

ā€” Abraham Lincoln

99% of internet discourse

Looks like an AI conversation to me

Reddit, in a nutshell.

idiocracy. this is literally our politics, media and society today. ignorance and dishonesty.

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