Me when i propose to my future gf[OC]

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Probably one of my silliest comics but i thought this was hilarious so i decided to make it lol

That’s unfair. I can’t do that. I can only offer a husband

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Think about all the possibilities! What if she counteroffers a wife and a dog? Or a wife and a cat? Those are some tough decisions to make!

“Future GF”

We praying for a miracle I see? Wish you luck I’ve given up on that future

a win win for everyone

I don’t know how anyone could reject that. Like, a wife for a wife??? Crazy good deal

I feel severely called out

My latest addition was putting “wife applications open” to a game bio

I fully read that as “future self” and thought you were just being freaky

As I understand from Pokémon go, mirror trades have a higher chance of lucky trades.


Equivalent exchange!

That would be one of the best, if not even the best trade deal in history

Most balanced deal ever

I already have one and cuddle the f%ck out of her then give her lots of head pats including brushing her hair. I’m 4 parallel universe ahead of you.

im ngl i thought the blonde part of her hair was a bun/hand holding her 😭

… I’ll consider it

I love that your blonde hair has a perfect line that makes you look like a little Japanese baby if you ignore the blonde.

Adorable comic


Damn that a good deal

Proposing to “future” gf with a meme that is already years stale in the present lol

How about a wife in progress?

I mean it’s as equal as possible

Perfecly balanced as all things should be.

Im a dude :/

You go from having 0 wives to 1 wife.

She goes from having 0 wives to 1 wife.

If this trend continues, you will soon both have infinite wives.

Hahaha I like this 😊

Cheers OP

Stealing this for a later date to draw myself mwahaha for my girlfriend


Is her head made of chocolate?

30 second head

40 minute hands

That’s not marriage 😂

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