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yes it’s real, search “bbc dildo” to learn more

New fear unlocked: accidental product placement on live TV

Idk, I think the kind of person that puts a dildo on a bookshelf is the kind of person who wants to have a dildo on their bookshelf. I think she is cooking tbh

Imagine that the person who did it actually sees this meme XD

Looks more like a phallic shaped bookend than an actual going inside you phallus. [But what do I know, not that they are sold on Etsy.](

That face lol.

She knew what she was doing

It’s probably a penis stress ball. I used to have one like this.cant imagine someone puts an actual dildo on the bookshelf

Nothing to be ashamed here. Only respect for not being afraid of other people judgement and knowing self needs

Didn’t she say she did it on purpose to troll people?

A rear end book end

Aww no, how embarrassing. There is really no coming back from that. Actually probably a lot of coming😅

oh no, now people know women masterbate

damn she likes them big

Ole girl likes that gerth 😏

Would be so funny and ironic if that dildo was actually bigger and black

Its been five years and we’re never letting this mf forget

What makes someone put a dick or dildo on a bookshelf?
Maybe it’s a cast of the best she ever had?

Only on the Big British Channel!

That. Is. Absolutely. **Wild** .

You do you.

It’s just for research purposes ….

Damn, she bragging.

I can’t compete q.q

That is a wide one too

probably a gag gift that’s a bookend. used over open ended shelves…clearly not needed in a dedicated book shelf.


Ma’am this is BBC not BWC.

“Of course it’s company policy never to, imply ownership in the event of a dildo… always use the indefinite article, ‘a dildo,’ never ‘your dildo'”

More like BWC am I right??

It would be even funnier if it was black.

Kinda want to know how common it is to just store interment objects on display

I feel like she wanted it out there with that kind of haircut 

Is is a book-holder.


That’s one way to assure your video goes viral. Probably deliberate.

BBC News… come on this one’s too easy 😂😂

It’s a dildo. Of course, it’s company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo… always use the indefinite article: ‘a’ dildo, never ‘your’ dildo.

I think the most crucial part is that this is one girthy damn member.

What is bad about it?

Thats a big ol unit too. Blimey.

The dildo is mightier than the smut.

I dont reckon its a dildo, I think some kind of fertility icon. otherwise, even temporary who keeps their dildo on a shelf

Not just any dildo but a giant mandingo one

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