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4 large sodas might be a problem . Food is not

I’d ask my wife.

She would say she didn’t want anything, but then my fries would slowly disappear…

Macca’s burgers are so small could down this all easy the only hard part would be the liquid but for 100k I’d definitely push thru

I got the reference for once

I love how divided people’s opinion of how much food is too much food. Some see this as a challenge, some *not hungry might’ve go for something light.*

My European brain can’t handle mfs who say they’ll finish it themselves

Sign me up, I’ll take two and $200K

wow only one guy here understood the reference

easy 100 k

it’s gone in 5 minutes for me

i wouldnt even be able to finish 2 of those burgers 😭

Eddie hall

My cardiologist

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A good friend in Grad School was a lineman at University of Georgia as an undergraduate.

He would order more than this, except the drinks

I would genuinely struggle w the four beverages hahahaha

For a 100k I’d force it all down and then just not eat for a day or two after.

But I would probably use my help card to get someone else to help with the drinks.

Call up my best friend and high five each other as we have a meal and get $50K each.

That’s pretty much what that guy on Who wants to be a millionaire said

I can save you 99k if you wish to witness gluttony.

Buy this for me and you can watch me eat it in an hour.

This with a couple YouTube videos in the background, easy money

For another 100k I’ll do it in 15 mins

I’d do a 45 minute victory dance

You only said “eat” you didn’t say “eat AND drink” therefore: the sodas do not have to be drank and I don’t need help with the food.

My boyfriend. I’ve seen him finish that amount of soda during a mean once, and those would be the only difficult bit for me.

Dunk the food in the soda, it goes down easier. It’s an old hotdog eating contest trick

McDonald’s advertisement disguised as a reddit post. You people are muppets

Just throw in some beers and I could get this down in 20 minutes.

If I ate that I’d feel full and probably regret it a little bit but I wouldn’t struggle.

I could legit finish the food in 3–4 mins, and the drinks in another 3ish mins, even less if I drink while eating to make it go down faster.

Id be like “ok and what’s my desert”

That’s just what I eat to tide me over on the way how fem work before dinner. Just another Tuesday.

Honestly I think I could eat everything on my own except the burgers. Maybe if I really paced myself, but I have a feeling I wouldn’t be able to hold it all down after the second one…

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