
By Keezonm
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dear god

I remember watching a video where a guy peeled the polarising film off his monitor and used it to make glasses so only he could see the screen. Pretty cool stuff.

My little brother did this during his first PC build, called me wondering if it was necessary to use a knife to really get under the protective film.
Let’s just say he was already too deep to be needing the answer to that question..

27″ curved 1440p 144hz btw

Oh and he was 21 at the time. This is my go-to horror story since 2021

this hurts r/techsupportgore

I once ate all but the last two inches of a two foot-long pepperoni log without realizing that it was wrapped in wax paper.

you finished before you began


I didn’t even know it’s possible

Always with the phone screens the same. Doesn’t work after that whatsoever…

Nooooooooooo no they can’t actually be that stupid

you need to soak it in water first silly

Apply the film to some glasses. Congrats you now have a privately viewable monitor!

I have a question for God. WWWWHHHHYYYYY!!!??!!?

Meanwhile i used my mouse with protective film on thr bottom for 4 months because i thought it wasnt suposed to be removed

I even polished the part of my table where the mouse was because it was sliding rough

One day this tape like stuff came from the botton and wow suddenly the mouse moves silky smooth

This is quite literally the opposite of my “didn’t seat the RAM” hard enough problem. I’m so worried about breaking things that I regularly don’t ply enough force (I’m not weak I’ve just always been big and able to break things).

I’ve had at least three pc builds get fixed by a friend who just double checked the RAM and we were good. Sigh.

This is why I leave the protective film on my monitors


Congratulations, you upgraded your monitor from FHD to UHD

I think I found one of my fellow coworkers. Hi fellow coworker!

You need a heat it first. Try Heatgun on low setting.

Keep goi. You’re almost to the pixels.

I have never expected my face to subconsciously deform into such pure horror and agony while looking at a singular picture….. Nasty


You gotta save the peelies!

Fam…. Nooooo

When I was about 8 years old I woke up early on Christmas morning, and started opening my presents while my parents were still asleep.

I had received this micromachines toy that you put the cars on the track and used a steering wheel to drive them around.

Each of the cars had this little foam block on the bottom of them, and in my infinite wisdom I tore them all off… Turns out there must have been some kind of magnet or something in them because that toy never worked.

I did this as a child with a toy that was probably about $20

I can’t imagine doing this on an expensive piece of tech


I remember a period where really aggressive antiglare films were being used, bad enough to make anything white look grainy.

There was a whole thing about how to soak the panel with towels to make it easy to peel it off.

At first glance I thought it was a piece of a cybertruck come off.

This makes me so fucking mad



Back to the store…

coz u r overdoing it my friend

I almost did that once. 😨

It because you’re supposed to let it wear down from use. Like a tire.

no and no again

Kaneda, what do you see!?

Rich people things

I got screen protectors for my phone and complained that they were blue. It was the part you peel off of the protectors, which are, of course, clear. I would never do what is in this picture though. At least I don’t think I would…

it is a mystery 



I mean, unless you’re a computer expert, how are you supposed to know?

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