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*Emigrate from*

Why not join me and immigrate to Antarctica to live as a penguin? I promise you I can catch lots of fish to feed you for life!

It’s the circle of life

Welcome to the land of the free!

Ah yes, my favorite country – Europe, we’re all equally rich and free with no distinct cultures and languages after all.

Enjoy Europe! Which country is taking you in?

If you have the resources to legally immigrate to Europe, you are neither impoverished or oppressed.

Fascism is on the rise in Europe tho too. Expect them in government in Germany within a decade.

Why don’t you protest your government instead of cowering over here? Looks like either Americans don’t care or are too afraid and cowardly to do anything. Look at Serbia, Turkey, France! It’s been what, two months? Do something! And don’t give me that organic movement crap; others can and have responded faster already, see the above list.

England is my city


This is why Americans get laughed at.


My grandparents [actual Italian Fascists]: *You keep using that word. We do not think it means what you think it means*.

Return oh children of Europe

I think the grandparents are the common denominator

Same energy as me pretending to know what I’m doing in life.

Oh don’t think Europeans have easier access to money than Americans because they don’t. Not by a long shot. But life is still better basically anywhere in Europe than it is in America unless you’re rich, in which case it’s better to be rich in America.

You think America is a land of fascism and poverty? 😂

I live in the UK and hate it here, I want to move to the US

Already happened during the Great Depression between WW1 and WW2, suffice to say, many places were not better due to WW2.

Escapes “fascism” to end up in europastan


Europe is fascist too they just hide it better

That is one of the reasons that if you have dual nationality, make sure your kids get them too. Not because they will need it, but maybe your grand kids will.

Me not getting a visa to emigrate from poverty and fascism in Russia


You point is that the Europeans brought fascism and poverty to America?

Is it expensive to leave the US?

lol moving to Europe to avoid poverty and fascism and you’ll end up in poverty and fascism. 😅

Makes a mess then leaves to make a mess elsewhere.

First world problems to the maximum degree lol

My grandparents, making fun of your grandparents, for calling a Democratic election “fascism” after living through actual fascism.

Just pathetic. Muted the sub. Downvote me if you wish.

Good riddance

Fascism? In the U.S.? Where?

Nobody immigrating to Europe lmao especially not the UK and Germany with the stupid laws that take away your free speech.

But Europe still has more poverty and Fascism than the US.

Typical Europoor psyop.

Give me your educated, your skilled,
Your huddled liberal masses yearning to breathe free.

Fascism in America💀 that’s the joke here

Liberalism is fascism. The USA defeated fascism and Europe lives in fascism = that’s correct.

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