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Then you try Ooga Booga Skywalker Cake and fall asleep peacefully. That same night, your house is robbed by thieves because you forgot to lock the back door.

as the famous katt williams once said”have you tried DEATH”

I’m convinced that these guys just know like 4 or 5 types of weed to answer the most common questions, and they make the face to convince you they’re experts.

Why don’t they call weed shops GRASS STATIONS
I mean I get gas at a Gas station so…

Is this really that much weirder than going to your doctor saying “Sometimes I get an absolutely crippling pain in my head” and them saying “Hmm, I’m going to tell the neighborhood drug dealer to give you some Acetacarboplatonamide” (yes I made that up).

When you need a good night’s sleep but also want to feel like a Jedi on a sugar high.

Ooga booga lmfao 🤪

Tbh at all the weed stores that I’ve been to, the employees have been pretty incompetent. I’m happy if they just fulfill what I actually ordered and the product isn’t damaged.

this is my job lol. and yes we are experts just ask yhe effects u want and we got u.

Just quote Huey Lewis “I wanna new drug….”

I tried some Banana Puddingtiene and was nicely surprised how good it was.

I mentioned that one brand I got had a bitter taste like the oil got burned. Blank stare. I said the other brand I got left me manually breathing and she said “oh yeah, that’s X brand. That happens try the Y brand instead.” And she was correct.

And that conversation is with the security guard who happens to work there and not the guy at the counter

“They call it ‘Skywalker!'”

-Mark Hamill on The Boondocks

Yeah except it’s all lies and bullocks.

I’m vibing RN with my 🎄Electric ⚡ Boogaloo Soul Plane Pie, I’m good 💅💯

The strains with a Star Wars reference are usually legit af.

Is that like Luke’s distant ancestor?

I mean once you learn the weed terpenes it’s all pretty straightforward.

Adding the names is so you can remember it easier! 

I’ve partaken enough over my lifetime to confidently come to the firm conclusion that all strains have 99% the exact same effect and the THC level is all that really matters. All the rest is just a bunch of stoners talk out their high back sides.

I don’t know, its just thc percentages at the end of the day with made-up names from the growers.
After smoking for so many years, the 40 dollar weed is gonna hit the exact same as the 100 dollar, sativa/indica is negligible. If its good weed its good weed

You tell this to your doctor and they will prescribe you a narcotic called clorirest or something and if you take the wrong dose you’ll think the walls are trying to eat you.

I went in last time and said I want something that’ll make my garage smell like something died in it. Dude took a second smiled and then asked one of the other tenders, “what’s the name of that dog shit we were smoking?” I nearly died. [8]

I wanna feel how Vincent Vega feels as he drives to pick up Mia. Just without the heroin. 

Yah its super cool. Its like modern day Witchcraft. LOL


Weed is dumb.

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