
By 8O8I
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Pictured is not a five story bunker complex. I want to see one

Pictured :❌️ 5 story ❌️ subterranean ✅️ bunker ✅️ complex❌️

Okay, so I kind of want one. Not to survive the apocalypse or something but just an aesthetic place to have a mental breakdown away from everyone.

This bad boy can fit so much fucking Saddam Hussein in it

Every house I’ve ever built in Minecraft be like

As a foundation expert. I appreciate that your bunker is piered

I asked for a room not a castle

Five story sounds too much. A cozy one story bunker is enough for me.

Wrong. I want a 5 story treehouse. I want sunlight and beautiful landscapes.

Personally, the number of beds scares me. Thats a lot of people to take in.

This house brought to you by Josef Fritzl

Austrian dream

Great ,now everyone knows >:v

Why would anyone want to live underground with no sunlight

Only if it comes with a pretzel maker!

I love the idea but there need to be lots of improvements.

Fuck yeah

Upgrade it to Vault 111

I want a dungeon with some dragons of the bad variety

Get Colin Furze on the phone!

this is just doomsday prep but make it aesthetic.

Man, I’d trade my soul for a bunker like that right about now.

Ain’t nobody gone have access to it but me

And the entrance needs to be secret. Like pull the right book on the bookshelf type beat

Even though this meme is weirdly inaccurate of a 5 story bunker, it hits hard. I live in Oregon and my brother (11 years older) sent me a craigslist post of a house for sale on the oregon coast with an 8 story missile silo attached by tunnels and I’ve never wanted a house more in my life. 8 secret floors to do whatever the fuck I want with? Yes please. Hot tub floor, gym floor, weed grow floor, man cave floor, garage floor, whatever, count me the fuck in.

Why is this so true.

No joke, this has somewhat been my desired setup since i was in school. 

I want a pretty boring looking house up top so no one thinks to break in, but if they do, they’ll find that all it does is act like a mudroom, with the stairs and elevator down to the actual underground dwelling; which would be a standard one bedroom house — I don’t need much space and I don’t want to have to clean some big house, so I think it’s doable. 

this… I need this

When I was younger I used to draw insane under the ground layouts like this always imagine having a KND style treehouse or underground fortress

Here’s me in the UK just wanting “a house”.

Where does the poop go

Con confirm, this is what i always dreamed of. One story would be enough though

Colin furze in the future

I’d be alright with a little cottage above ground, so I can putter around and put off “ol’ witch down the way” vibes, but underneath is the 3 tier concrete structure comprising of a workshop & hobby area, the living quarters, and a garage & gym.

Why are the corridors leading to these bunkers always just bare concrete? Isn’t it depressing enough already that you’ll be forced to live underground?

I’d at least paint it or something.

I literally want this so bad

Always be prepared for the zombie apocalypse

Nooooo…. (yes omg yes)

They’re not wrong.

Bro wtf I actually want this exactly

Honestly I would just be happy with a bunker where I can live in peace

This is true

So even after the apocalypse you still have to work from home, huh?

Vault 69

Pic doesn’t fit title

/Fritzl entered the chat

I want to build a home in an abandoned mineshift and live out my days trolling people online.

And also raising bees

[JerryRigEverything has all the info you need in building one](

What are the pillars sticking out of the bottom for?

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