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American problems require American solutions…

I think the citizens got the message pretty clear that the billionaires are above the law.

Getting rid of the problem, one billionaire at a time.

You can’t argue with the results tho


As a German, I ask myself how it could have come to this point that an INSURANCE company puts money above everything else and that people die as a result


The way out is through.

I feel weirdly positive about this whole thing.

Hey, if we can use one of our biggest problems to help fix another, I’m all for it!

Although I heavily doubt Blue Shield really “called it off”. They just decided now would be a bad time to implement it.
They’ll sit on it for a month or two, waiting for the stories to die down, then quitely sneak it in again.
Can’t risk shareholder profits.

If we shoot the sick away, we don’t need healthcare. It’s so simple

*we use the gun control debate to solve the healthcare debate*

Well, this one or two bullets made a bigger impact than even 20 protests and demonstrations could ever do.

So, the first three quarters of The Batman.

We it’s not like guillotines are regular available

Europe has performed violence in the name of political change before. Not even that long ago in some cases.

Yes, private healthcare is still political.

This feels like when you’re grading someone’s math test, and you have no fucking idea what nonsense is going on when they show the work, but they somehow end up with the correct answer.

And just like that, everybody was okay with owning guns.

So wait a good guy with a gun works?

1776 again let’s do it

>The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. The second is a random person coming behind you and crowning you.

H.P. Lovecraft

It’s the American way!

Europeans will literally dig bricks out of the ground to defend their security net and institutions. They are probably wondering what took Americans so long.

we fixin shit one silenced glock at a time.

Sometimes you gotta go 1776 on an oppressive regime

How many dead CEOs will it take to fix inflation?

Didn’t Americans want to have gun to defend their freedom and such? 

These CEOs better bite the bullet and stop their greed or else someone will make them bite the bullet

America is a one trick pony /s

I regret he had to die for changes to happen, its a shame really, that human life has to be ended, but this isn’t a perfect world.

I don’t mean any offense to anyone by this, its my own belief’s i’m sharing with you all.

It’s wild how we keep circling back to the same old patterns. Profit over people is a recurring theme in this story, and it seems like we’re just waiting for the next shocking headline to remind us of that. If only the outrage could translate into real change.

Americans should start shooting CEOs and board members for healthcare insurance companies en masse, it will either solve the healthcare crisis or gun control issues. Let’s see who has stronger lobbyists, gun mongers or drug mongers.

It’s the American way

Violence works!

All this gun violence had to be good for something

time to revolt pinche putos!!

Just like the Founding Fathers intended

I think that why 2nd amendment was for, rise against the ruling class…

Well, the french for example had the guillotine for that.

Using one problem to solve another. That’s American ingenuity

Where is m’y guillotine, I got a CEO list to shorten

Remember kids: violence… IS the answer???

I saw the front in a hat and thought it was Owen Dennis’ twitter for a second.

We do things a lil different round here

A little drip of that “we the people” broke outta the entertainment matrix.

I’ve always considered myself more of a Malcolm X than an MLK. 🤷

When even your insurance company says ‘That’s a bit much.’

if it works, it works.

So what you’re saying is it worked…

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