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Nestlé really out here trying to monetize existence. Throw the whole company away.

Totally agree

It’s only going to age better when there’s no more fucking drinking water.

Nestlé dude really said profits over people. He deserves all the smoke.

CEOs of big evil companies probably already put a 2 m$ annual budget for their security after last week.

Based Bill Burr

Bill Burr is a man of the people

We all know where this is going.

Someone needs to send out the “DDD-Man” signal.

There are several oligarchs keeping the working class down who should be dealt with.

They even made a webpage to damage control and backpedal.


EDIT: Note however that although the page states that he is “appalled” by the fact that over a billion lack a simple toilet or access to improved drinking water, there’s no mention anywhere that he has ever donated to the cause.

In case Bill is reading this and *facking cringing* that people are putting these comments on blast:

Don’t you worry, Bill. Joe Rogan will soon be telling people that they should be hunting for the assassin, because the slain CEO was possibly someone Joe rubbed elbows (and Rubles) with some time ago.

That guy wouldn’t think the same if he didn’t have access to water.

This aged fantastically

Are we finally eating the rich? About time

“There is a guy from UHC who thinks just because you pay your health Insurance it doesn’t mean that all your claims will be covered.

I mean that guy should be…*Well, you know the rest*

Monsters are dangerous and, just now, ~~kings~~ CEOs are dying like flies.

the guy shouldn’t be allowed to drink

Bill Burr for Secretary of Health and Human Services! ✊

They also use child slaves to harvest cocoa.

Remember- violence is always an option.

Always remember kids. Guns aren’t the problem, they are the solution

random CROSS aren’t the enemy, they’re not even billionaires they’re just useful stooges. It’s the oligarchs who are the problem. Particularly the Murdoch family.

Unfortunately Peter Brabeck-Letmathe is in Switzerland..

[first time of getting two matching posts for me](

The order is given

I volunteer as tribute fuck nestle

Aged like milk


Totally agree

Ol billy boy up to something.

Joker 3: Just do it

Bill Brrrrr

I love this bit, where he mimics the Nestle CEO: “I WANA OWN ALL THE WATER 💦”

I was looking for a clip will Bill said something like, “Nothing’s gonna change in this country until people start going over fences in gated communities with machines guns,” but I couldn’t find it. Did someone else say this?

Tank Girl movie nudged closer to reality

Human right? In what way?

If someone is without drinking water then their human rights are being violated by whom exactly? Who goes to jail when someone doesn’t have water? This doesn’t make sense to make water a human right, it just sounds nice to say

We don’t have any “positive” rights like this at all, there are only negative rights which are restrictions on the behaviour of the government like free speech means the government is not allowed to silence you

Next contestant up!

It’s comedy! Bill Burr is a professional: don’t try that at home.

Check Dark Web for more….

I absolutely do believe that every human being should have access to drinking water.

I also recognize that this statement is extremely vague and undefined. What is „access“? What is „drinking water“? Are we talking about „I don‘t die immediately“-drinkable or „german quality gourmet shit“-drinkable? Also what does „human right“ mean exactly? It sounds like a juristic term so maybe there are implications that a layman like me is not aware of that makes the term „human right“ special. I don‘t think the nestle guy (who was the CEO iirc lol) had any of this in mind but I think there is a reasonable discussion to be had about this stuff. I feel like we all know what is right and what the end goal is, but I also feel like capitalism has some hidden mechanism that could easily turn a good idea on paper into a terrible execution.

But like … what does calling water a “right” even do? What does that even mean?

It’s not a human right though. Human rights are inherent, not bottled By Nestle and sold by Walmart by the case. At best it’s a societal right, and even that is a stretch. 

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