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And it turns out you missed a collector’s item at the very beginning of the game in the most prominent place

I feel this. My worst nightmare is a linear game with 200 missable collectibles and no chapter select. Go to hell, devs.

Ever played breath of the wild?

199 out of 200 can only mean those god forsaken pigeons in GTA IV

In Rayman, you had to free ***every*** fairy in all levels to fight the final boss

If you missed one or a few, it was *insufferable* trying to hunt them down, especially in a time when online video game walkthroughs were still in its infancy

It’s always the one you said “I totally got that one” on.

Then you remember you died a few minutes later and the game didn’t actually count it.

Also I had this happen for the InFamous games. Collecting those shards was a pain and there wasn’t a good way to know where you missed any. I had to methodically run around the entire map looking for that final one, constantly hitting the search. Pain.

Me with those stupid fucking antlion grubs.

That was me with the feathers in the first Assassin’s Creed game

Me getting all the riddler trophies in Arkham Knight

Dina my beloved

I have no purpose now

I hate when you don’t care about the collectibles until you’re almost done so you’ve got like 178/200 and have to figure out WHICH 178 you already collected. I do it to myself every time.

Breath of the Wild. 899/900 Koroks. Tears of the Kingdom. 999/1000 Koroks.

IT HAPPENED TWICE. My free time has never recovered after spending hours on the Zelda Dungeon interactive map trying to find those last Koroks.


Crackdown 1’s different orbs and no indicator/stat screen iirc to help you

Assassin’s Creed 2 feathers although at least it narrows it down in the stats by region/city

GTA San Andreas’ Find All Collectibles with a few of them, recently Oysters were the one that I had to double check every spot for.

As long as there’s some guidance to the one I missed it isn’t an issue but if i basically have to go for another loop to find it I’m losing it

Not quite the same but I’m still mad about going through the whole puzzle room in FFX to be presented with the choice of left or right and if you choose correctly you get the best summon of the game(objectively) and if you choose wrong you don’t get to choose again without resetting the whole run.

I swear my version of lego harry potter 2 back in the day glitched and didn’t count one of the gold bricks. That was the first game i tried to 100% too

FFX-2. There is one character you must speak with within a tiny window between major events to obtain an item. Without it, you can’t 100% and can’t get the perfect ending. I didn’t realize I missed it until my 3 save cycle went past that part.

Grounded game’s molars.

This is the kind of pain no walkthrough can fix. Truly a gamerโ€™s worst nightmare.

Me with the last schizo-tree fragment in the elden ring dlc.

And itโ€™s that one specific spot where you have to double jump off air onto a tiny pixel you thought wasnโ€™t secure


This happened to me with the first Assasins Creed. Still hurts to this day

I used to use IGN’s interactive map because you could check things off as you found them. Now you need to have a monthly subscription to get unlimited checkmarks. Utter bullshit and haven’t touched the site since.


Why are we still here?

I got like this with hogwarts legacy. Field guide pages left and that’s it….

Kill me now

Me after not knowing that I needed to flush some silly toilets and having to play through Dordogne againโ€ฆ

When I played Hogwarts, there was a single glitched scroll you couldn’t find until months later. Now that it’s fixed, guess I have to play again

I did this with Danteโ€™s Inferno. I played the whole game and missed 2, so I used a guide to replay and get them all but missed one I got before. Hate it.

I was SO close to getting the platinum for Prototype

But those damn city tokens…….

My roommate literally just experienced this…

The 100 ID cards in Dead Island and the 200 GTAIV pigeons were the bane of my existence. ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

Infamous. Double checked and still couldn’t find it.


I just had a thought. If I ever made a guide like this, I’d absolutely try and pass off second to last as the last one, move onto a next topic or something and then drop the “Nah, just kidding. The actual last one is over here”. Provided it could be gone back to if needed, of course.

This was 100% me when I was doing all 120 shrines in breath of the wild

This shit happened to me with the flags in AC1, and the pigeons in GTA IV. Still think about those when I see posts like this.ย ย 

The worst one though was the bobble heads in Fallout 3. Missed one during a story mission you couldnโ€™t go back to that is missable. Had to restart the game.ย 

God bless Celeste’s collectible system. Other than the unique ones like hearts and cassettes, the strawberries have little indicators on the pause screen to hint where exactly you missed one

Final Fantasy X-II

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