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you have to know how to do these things

Ha, I really wish my husband could take BBQ classes.

It **is** unskilled labor, but that doesn’t mean it’s unimportant or easy.

I worked food service for years, including flipping burgers at Wendy’s. It doesn’t take any real skill, but the job itself is absurdly fast paced and stressful. I’ll take my office job over food service any day.

This aint well done man. This is congratulations!

At McDonald’s you just press a button to cook a patty

Are those charcoal briquettes?

It really aint that hard, but you still have to do it

If I had a couple dozen of those right now, I’d mow

Cajun Style!!

As my uncle gets drunker, the burges get blacker. This right here is a 6 pack into it.

This is technically arson. I had to physically restrain myself from calling the fire department.

That’s char bro, it’s good bro. Burnt on the outside, raw on the inside.

I just wanna grill for gosh sake!

Chicken on a grill is a cake walk for me. I can’t cook a good burger to save my life. Respect to the ones who nail it daily.

I actually love seared burgers, though. Burnt to a crisp on the outside, pink in the middle. Mmm.

A literal burger burn, a proud AF tradition.

I mean, I’m still eatin it.

FIL would grill for 5 minutes then flip for another 5 minutes (where I usually stop) and then flip for 5 then flip for another 5. He’d also make sure to press it with the spatula in case there was any juice left in them.

Why are you eating the charcoal?

You get training and a accurate thermometer grill / air fryer at the burger flipping joint.

What do you mean? Charcoal is needed at a BBQ!

No salmonella under my watch!

I would leave immediately 🤢


They also say garcias at Mexican restaurants

Ah. So that’s not a frog okay then

File this under “I made this up to prove my point”

Flipping them is easy. Knowing when to flip is not.

This isn’t necessarily a problem with the cook.

It’s a problem with how the grill is set up.

Get.your grill to the right temp before putting stuff on it, just a little patience is all you need

I’ve never been at a BBQ with charcoal as the main offering

Y’all need some common sense.

They call it unskilled labor until people start dying from food poisoning. 

I’m not sure I can think of a less skilled job than flipping burgers tbh.

Not enough cheese

Daily reddit post purposefully misunderstanding what “unskilled labor” means

That looks like what South Carolina restaurants called “medium rare” last time I was in vacation there

I’m an elevator mechanic so skilled labor but one of the hardest jobs I ever had was working as a line cook and my station I had to learn how to cook burgers and sometimes 20 or more at a time all cooked perfectly it’s fucking brutal. That being said 10 years since I had that job my wife says I make the best burgers she ever eaten so I’ll take that win.

I thought that was a charred toad

with magically unmelted plastic american “cheese” on top

stfu /u/Green____cat

There is literally no such thing as unskilled labour. Ask anyone who’s had to push *all* the shopping trolleys.

That’s just the charcoal out of the bbq

I don’t see the problem here. Those look like perfectly fine charcoal briquettes to put in your grill.

should never eat burnt meat, it’s a proven carcinogen (NCI)

Umm these look delicious to me

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