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i know a guy with that chin and messed up teeth to boot. dude gets the chicks for some reason

I wish I could do full beard despite having normal jawline. It’s just patchy ..

Facial hair is makeup for men

is that Peter Pettigrew’s chin from Harry Potter?

Mitch McConnell is that you?

thank fuck I was born with a normal chin and still look good with no facial hair🙏🙏

This is pretty accurate. Reminds me of Dan Bilzerian’s photos of him beardless

2 things in this world I don’t trust. women with beards and men with beards. What are they hiding?

I experienced this when i shaved my beard, I was never sure if it was just because i was used to seeing myself with a beard tho

Facial hair are a man’s makeup


Damn thats Olli Schulz! (German musician and podcaster)

I have been told by multiple people that I look weird without my beard.

Could someone Photoshop the Chads with a bald head instead. Would love to send this to my wife and make her giggle 

Is there any way to get rid of this?

It’s Rhett

Men discovered their Wonderbra

I grew a beard for the first time when I was 16. About two months later I started dating the girl I eventually would wind up marrying, but for quite some time she would ask me to shave because she wanted to see me clean-shaven in person, not just pictures. After two years I finally did and the very first thing she said was “Nope. Grow it back.”

I just started dating a guy with a magnificent beard and I really like it but I must confess that I’ve wondered this exact thought at least once. A long as he doesn’t shave before I fall in love with his personality, I guess it’s all good lol. 

who the fuck shaves for twenty minutes

Beards are man makeup

One at work did it. I can’t stop staring at him now. It looks sooo bad

Listen, guys: keep your beards. You may not be ugly without your beard, but you’ll almost certainly look better with it. Keep it, tame it, break it’s back, chug it’s spinal fluid and groom it. You WILL look better.

what in the funnymemes

A beard basically never looks good, but sometimes it looks better than without.


Whether or not shaving will look good, she will enjoy the power of exerting her preferences on another.

He will regret it 😂

Guy should mew more

I may have the worst beard growth known to man, but atleast my jawline’s decent

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