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Did they intentionally fuck with the aspect ratio?


And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say that Lynn’s ~~small~~ forehead grew three sizes that day.

lynn me some of that forehead

Mercator projection distortion

The dude running the card machine does this for fun he has to.

I have experienced this when i was in school, i look so dumb with the school ID. So i crop one of my beautiful picture and paste it and the guards didnt noticed

I think they took a picture of the photo with another camera. The angle made the forehead appear larger.

They should have put your name on your forehead

A snipers dream!

I read “head cannon” for a dec

beside the forehead the light reflection on the right side and color change I’m 100% positive they actually used a phone to take a photo of it then used it, it explains the weird proportions and the light on the side is from the room lighting.

You look like you gained telepathic powers

I feel like I was spooked by Spagett

r/CodeLyoko is leaking again

Obligatory “Take me to your leader.”

Nintendo Mii looking head

Honey Bunny ~ You need makeup or more sleep. 🤔 Just sayin’ 😳

No longer a forehead, that’s a fivehead

Lynn, you look great, but you need to edit that picture to take your name out.

5 head ah

Lyoko Hannon

Dates check out

idk why you mad this is hilarious

It’s the same person?

Spaghet spooked me!

Our security dept squished my head too. I think they do it on purpose for the lulz

That’s why you should take pictures from eye level not from above for id photos


Looks like exhibit A as evidence of domestic abuse.

Where did the red blush come from?

I guarantee you this happened because whoever did the photo didn’t know how to take a screenshot on their computer so they took a photo of the screen with their phone at a downward angle

Picture looks like you start every sentence with, “I know…,”

Not that diff to be fair

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