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Bro threw in a fun fact there


back in the day when my phone broke, my gf and i communicated through facebook posts. awkward when my mom commented too lol

‘my balls are also very full’

What a distinguished gentleman!

just like back then, so formal but the ‘My balls are also very full’ cracked me!

That letter sounds like its from a keeper.

Then AI detects the writing style and suggest you CC your boss.

But when I type like this people call me out for being autistic lol

Green flag

I shall be back in 3 days, don’t shower.

Edit: idk why people on Reddit are obsessed with declaring their amendments

Nowadays would be too easy with discord lol

he wrote the email in Queens English style.( the ones a king writes to his queen)

Why not use any instant messenger at all?

Give a medal to this man.

Heart: full of anguish
Balls: full of lust

We should go back to that

Why is this something mine would do.. like I can hear his voice. Anyone else?

”Marital concerns continue to bedevil me”

-Peter Griffin

He should pee


He’s a keeper

It reminds me of a Ken Burns documentary with a reading of a letter from a soldier in a far-away war.

Back in the day, my gf and I could only communicate via a single tethered landline phoneset in the family living room,
Talk about awkward lol

“Per my last email”

90% confident this is a sugar baby scenario and that is a much older man.

You gotta go full Ken Burns on those. “Dearest, Martha…”

I imagine the letters the soilders wrote to their loved ones in the trenches during ww1sounded something like this

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