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And then you glare at her and she says why are you glaring at me

Then they gaslight you for “overreacting”.

You gotta match her energy, Ask her where dad is and why they don’t sleep in the same bed anymore.

I shit my pants in a subway once… at 21… Dad tells everyone

Was it worth it, losing my trust for mere giggles

Nursing home you go

looks at you and smirk, still continue to share

“And now I’m the punchline of the evening… wonderful.”

Because that’s the only thing they know how to do

My mom would tell the same embarrassing story, but with each retelling, the details get more and more exaggerated.

I’ve seen this meme so many times.

And every time I think:

Who tf tells their mother their deepest darkest secret?

Parents are the main people to keep secrets from.

I didn’t even tell my mother I’d move to another city after I already had a job and everything set up.

Looks like mother’s aura is declining

Wow, just realized I’m the villain in my own life story. Time for a redemption arc?

My mom, a licensed clinical social worker with over twenty years experience being a therapist chose to share with another high school student’s mom that I had a crush on her daughter. She didn’t even realize it was wrong until she was telling me they ran into each other and the topic came up. She felt so bad

just hit her

Jokes on you, mother, I already told that embarrassing story to show solidarity so others don’t feel embarrassed.

My face when she mentioned the “Flashlight” under my bed

Oh my god! So my mom isn’t the only one.

“That’s the Sunny Acres Care Home for you mother” smile.

This is why I now am low contact with my narc mother.


Similar, except relatives hear everything and anything. Personal or otherwise, don’t matter. And then they wonder why “you don’t talk much”.

Because unle rudy does need to know jack squat about my job search or financial troubles.

exactly my mom



It’s an important lesson in life not to share everything even with your parents

Reddit always makes me appreciate that my mom is just chakra-crystals-and-interdimensional-aliens-weird and not abusive-weird

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