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It’s the form’s fault for making it “name” instead of “first name”

In high school this happened to some students a lot so our physics teacher one day wrote “Name (last name goes below)” and some people still wrote it wrong

The ones where you have “name” and then “first name” are even worse.

I mean it does ask for name and not ‘First Name’, so what he wrote wasn’t wrong.

Well TECHNICALLY it would be correct like:

Name: Peter Parker

Last name: Parker

“First name” “Last name”

Even worse. Some teachers did. Name and then first Name. Other did just Name.

Peter Benjamin Parker is the full name….but I see the point

>I went to a heavy metal concert. The singer yelled out, “How many of you people feel like human beings tonight?” And then he said, “How many of you feel like animals?” The thing is, everyone cheered after the animals part, but I cheered after the human beings part because I did not know there was a second part to the question.

-Mitch Hedberg

Wdym last name? It was always Peter Parker. Stupid test

Last name: Picked a peck of pickled peppers

I did this when I was filling out a paper for work and now my email for work is [email protected]

Reminds me of that BakaTest moment where Akihisa studied his head off for the upcoming test but absentmindedly wrote the first answer where his name was supposed to go and proceeded to shift the whole sequence up into the wrong slots like that. The score was predictable.

Or maybe indicate it with the word “first name” to want the first name there.

That’s why I have trust issues!

“Man this test’s gonna kill me…”

Name: Peter –
Last name: Parker,
I don’t Understand what’s confusing

Parker Peter

Imagine the world we could live in if we held people giving ambiguous and unclear instructions to the same scrutiny we hold fools interpreting those instructions poorly

Peter Parker Pizza

We have all been there

It’s worse in the military. Those in the military know.

What’s even worse is the embarrassment of having to ask for a replacement paper if you can’t just correct the mistake yourself

Peter Parker P, then

Yeah, he is doing it correctly.

Name: Peter Parker

Last name: Parker
Hey, if that’s what they want, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ then that’s what they’ll get.

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