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Looks like the first and last DnD session

See that’s exactly the wrong way. You don’t roll to pet the dog, you just say you wanna pet the dog and if the DM needs a roll from you they’ll tell you.

Never ask to roll smh

Why would you roll to pet a dog? What would happen if you Critical Pet’d a dog?

Nah, what the dm should have done is just make the dog not like him. Like he goes up to the rest of the party for pets but avoids the one trying to pet him. Sometimes you don’t pass the sniffspection

But why would you need a roll to pet it. I would understand a roll to get near it and it not running away

Noooooooooo doggoooooo!!!!!! (Was he relevant tò the plot?)

If it were me, I’d just tell my player they’d trip and fall. Then the dog checks on them

Please tell me it’s at least a butt slap, because some dogs actually enjoy that.

If it’s a face slap, I’m gonna cry.

I have terrible luck with any die so when I began DnD I was known as the person who always failed.

i was playing a table top game with my brother and a few of his buddies. we had to do a mission where we broke into some secret base or whatever. after we cleared it out we broke thru a window and were kinda sliding down the side of this wall, futuristic game so i can imagine the building was a strange shape.

well anywho i asked “can i roll to do a backflip before i land” ofc he said yes. i rolled a fucking 2.

“so you attempted a backflip, stalled half way, and broke your arm” it was the end of the mission so it didn’t matter but it was hilarious in the moment.

My first DnD session there were donkeys we were all hoping to get, and there was enough for 1 for each of us.

I rolled a nat 1 on a javelin throw against some goblins on the farm said donkeys were at.

I did not get a donkey.

You don’t need to roll for that, smh

You don’t roll for things you’re guaranteed to be able to do

Not how DnD rolls work, but sure

The dog was owned by the local viscount and everyone expects you to be hung. However, you were wearing a silver ring, a family heirloom, and contact with it exorcised an evil spirit who had possessed it, foiling a potential assassination attempt.

can someone explain this to me? seems like a funny meme, but i’ve never played DnD and don’t know the rules.

“Roll animal handling”

*Nat 1*

The pelts on your barbarian clothing smell like wild animals, provoking the dog to growl at you

I’d like to pet the dog? *nat 1* you killed the dog 🥲

I always hate DMs that make critical fails over the top on mindless tasks.

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