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US walls vs. German walls

“Say old house, what does the electricity situation look like behind those thick walls?”

“…some things are better left a mystery.”

True, but I’ll take hanging shit in drywall vs plaster any day.

How dare OP not include a disclaimer with a 13-point apology for being American

Man, repairing textured horse hair plaster though…

Did someone throw a chicken leg through the wall?


oh somebody forgot this is an international sub again

Yeah and now try upgrading the services in an old home.
You want a new receptacle there? Too bad, deal with it.
You want to re divide the home? Too bad, deal with it.
You want to replace the pipes cos they’re leaking? Too bad, deal with it.

Europeans built their homes like society and technology isn’t advancing a million miles a minute.

Cue the Europeans coming in to brag they can fly into a rage and beat their walls as much as they want.

There’s no way I’m messing with a textured paint in an old house, hello asbestos

Americans when they get their bones broken for punching a Brazilian house walls (the house is not made of hope and faith like theirs)

When I was like 13-14, my ex and I were hanging out at his house they were moving out of. He had 4-5 brothers and his mom and stepdad weren’t home so I remember we flipped over all the furniture while having a good fight with fruit that was a tad past its time and then piled all the mattresses and cushions into his almost entirely bare room to jump on, throw each other around and wrestle.

While we stopped to rest his drunk college-aged brother suddenly bursted into the room with like hockey shin guards or something on his arms, bellowing like a beast and just started *beating the absolute shit* out of the plaster wall. Like, really going at it for awhile, breaking it, shit flying everywhere. Then he just bellowed again and ran away. Thought that was over cuz his bellowing sounded like he decided to take to the streets.

We were just kind of like ‘what the fuck’ because we couldn’t just clean that up before his mom and stepdad got home but didn’t say anything since we didn’t want him to wail on us instead.

A few minutes later he suddenly started up again on the other side of the wall until he burst through entirely like the fuckin Kool-Aid man. Tried to get him to chill a little and we came out a bit busted from that until he finally passed out in the basement.

We cleaned up enough to move all the furniture back, clean most of the fruit(despite some evidence was found later..) and when his mom and stepdad got home even though his younger brothers ratted us out; we didn’t even get yelled at because they were so pissed about the wall.

European houses are made out of bricks because they don’t have actual weather, the only thing they need to stand up to is other Europeans leveling the entire continent a few times a century.

Virgin drywall vs Chad solid concrete

My first house was built in 1932. Lath and plaster walls and ceilings. Whomever did plaster ceilings for a living, that guy must have been built like a beast. The plaster was freaking heavy with a cosistancy and weight of concrete mixed with asbestos.

Old house: Hitting me? Foolish mistake. Not only was I constructed well enough to last several decades but many of my components are made up of hazardous materials! The lead contained within my paint should be coursing through your veins right now. After I finish this explanation it will have reached your heart!

The left picture looks like a speech bubble.


Look who’s laughing (plaster) now

Literally though. My house was built in 1947 and I went to mount my TV to the wall and drilled through like an inch and a half at LEAST of plaster before I hit a stud lmao. Walls are like 10″ thick and it keeps it very quiet inside.

My point is, if you can get into an older home, do it.

I remodeled the bathroom in my old house built in 1955. Tried using an 8lb sledge hammer to take out the tiled shower wall and it just bounced off. Had to use a tile blade on a skill saw and cut sections to pry off with a demo bar. 1.5” of lath and tile and heavy af. Built to last!


Lol no joke. I lived in apartment built in the 1930s and I never heard shit from other neighbors. The walls were solid. The floors and ceilings weren’t pancakes either.

Jesus, this argument again…

Ah, USA.

Kyle’s science fair project

My house in CA is over a hundred years I’ve had to patch a few rage made holes growing up…

My walls are made of literal paper. I barely tapped it and punched a small hole in it

americans when their paper and stick house falls over because they made their house out of paper and sticks

Right hous is from GERMANY

its so true lol my house is 1920s the timber used in the roof and framing is so hard you cant drive a nail into it, same with the wood trimwork inside lol. All original punch something on that house and you are going to the ER. I accidently ran into the door frame once and dislocated my shoulder

Why in the US walls are like this?

Inaccurate. The popcorn finish was only on the ceilings. We had wood paneling.


Plaster and lathe, baby!

*laughs in sledgehammer*

American toy houses vs rest of the world*

Is this some kind of American problem I’m too British to understand

US walls vs European walls

Can concur. Broke both hands last year. Shit’s not to be trifled with.

Dry wall is a crime against humanity

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