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Isn’t it wild how you can be in your 30s, adulting hard, yet still find yourself laughing at cartoons like you’re 10 again?

haha, that was fair

Every year I rewatch adventure time. Shit is peak and I hope piracy stills on in 2070 so I can watch over and over again

Old Looney Tunes still rock. “Kiss me cat” is something everyone should see at least once in their life. It’s the demonstration that cartoons are a medium to tell a story, not a media

I was watching SpongeBob last night

>When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up

C.S. Lewis

Ok but why use this scene from the mummy? It had nothing to do with the meme.

He makes a snide comment. She says that creepy little men like him always get their comeuppance. Always.

“You’re in your (insert any age) and still like to watch or do (insert any hobby.. Weird or normal)?!”

Is what insecure, unhappy people say. Imagine judging others for finding happiness in a hobby. Whether it be cartoons, video games, knitting, whatever! We get one life… Enjoy and embrace what makes you happy (as long as you aren’t hurting others) and who cares what others think.

As an adult, I occasionally watch shows or play videogames from my childhood. Usually when I’m sick or it’s been a while. 

Pregnancy got me almost exclusively wanting to watch kids shows and play kid games. I don’t understand why people give others a hard time over what provides relaxation or entertainment. 

I thought they preferred girls who still watch cartoons

and running for president or congress lmao

They didn’t start out for kids – so why even bother with an age take.

idk…the autistic Pokemon crowd seems to be a little on the dull side

Shiiit I’m in my 40s and have a crunchyroll account. I love how the have older 80s anime on there.

I also own the 1986 Transforners and GI Joe movies.

I’m 47, collect toys, & binge American Dad.

The infantilization of society continues…

You’re 30 and still can’t buy a house? 😏

Excuse me while I watch Chowder in my office

But of course, watching children’s games like football and basketball played by grown men is a multi-billion dollar industry and is considered masculine

It’s fascinating how cartoons often resonate with deeper emotions, even in a seemingly simple format. Shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Gravity Falls tackle themes that stick with us long after childhood. It’s almost like they were designed to grow up with us.

Some of the greatest things put to film are cartoons.

Cartoons are a great way to forget about problems for a bit and lower stress levels. I’m 52 and watching Tom and Jerry with my grandson right now

You’re in your 40s and on your 3rd divorce? 👀

Petroglyphs are cartoon stills…

36 years old.

Still love watching Looney Toons 🤣

Good art is timeless. Including cartoons.

Gatekeepers suck.

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