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It’s not Polyamory anymore, it’s teamwork😂

Nay drake: Having multiple wives because you have a lot of money

Yeah Drake: having multiple wives because you need each others money

That 3rd income would sure help

This picture looks more like mother, father, daughter and it makes me a little uncomfortable


One day we’ll go back to forming tribes

And the sentimental life gets harder and harder to conduct, until y’all prefer to live by yourself no matter the income

Just 3?

Why is it always two girls and one guy?

Practically speaking it makes much more sense to have two guys and one girl.

Maybe we should just become like Denobilans.

It’s one of the few reasons I want a wife. So she can start contributing to household expenses.

Same bro, i would mary my bros.

This makes sense in this world now. I mean, 3 incomes coming in is pretty much what you need to live comfortably now.

Roommates with commitment issues

One wife cost me too much as it is. Adding another wont sole anything.

Triple income no kids. Could be the move

It’s called a shared apartment.

I do it for the Costco Membership and family cellphone plan. The play parties, cuddle puddles, vasectomy, and three partners a day are just to keep up appearances.

Have they considered a roommate that they don’t bang?

It’s cold and wintery and let’s be honest, you could get DP’d if you stopped being a coward and actually tried it.

Oh damn, this is the way to do it. Genius.

So basically a household

I mean, that’s always been the reason for that setup in general: multiple incomes/skillsets to bring to the household.

But three tax brackets and if one of them is the jealous type, are you better off unalive? You’ve got to think and weigh this out, especially if one is a morbidly obese stoner.

i’ve had this thought before

And when its the whole community, its called communism. The Americans are getting self aware…

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