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They picked up the scent of his fear

That shirt is a bold move. 😂

Where can I get one???

My flirting strategy is being mean in a cute voice and then giggling. Works every time

My man got a strong game.

But anyways, my friend’s asking if anyone knows where to find this shirt…

He didn’t even have to wait long. The goth girl army is real. 😂

Tbh that is kind of the exact mix of self-ironic desperation and balls of steel that it works. I’d go talk to him.

Damn, it worked

I’m going to try and grab one and report back on if it works or not

Looks like the shirt worked, reverse psychology at its best

The goth girl next to him proves the fear shirt strategy isn’t just a gamble it’s a calculated risk with impressive ROI. Might have to try this power move myself, but knowing my luck, I’ll just end up scaring off *everyone*.

Damn guess I need that shirt.

“Shit, I never expected to get this far…”

Her: “Perfect.”

I guess is that easy huh? I might need to look for shirts like that one… Just for a friend of course! Yeah, just a friend lol


Great advertisement.

Who needs dating apps when you’ve got this shirt?

Is this t-shirt actually for sale somewhere?

Looks like that’s a certain Mr Jackie Daytona

Why does he look scared

It works!?

Lmfao that’s my drummers drum kit in the corner hell yeah

So that’s what I’m missing. A t-shirt.

The Law & Order font 💀

The last time this pic was posted I went to a concert that evening and saw a guy that looked *strikingly* similar to this guy wearing that same shirt.

Hell yeah dude! Looks like someone’s getting pegged tonight!

This gem is from the boys at finance & maneuver. Google them. They’re hilarious ex military guys.

When I move out that’s the first thing I’m buying. My parents would kill me if I bought a short like that

Chris Lynch

That is certainly the best way to remain alone. No woman wants a desperate man.

It’s honestly wild how people act like this is some new “trend” when it’s been happening forever. Maybe if we listened to women more, this wouldn’t be such a shock to people.

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