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Such a sense of comfort to know there isn’t anyone that can see you that you can’t see

Corners are warm for some reason

I love corners but, a corner in a cinema feels wrong

Never flanked.

Doors and corners, that’s where they get ya.

Average situational awareness enjoyer

Nobody can sneak up on you or stare at you without you knowing. You can see *everything*

That’s me in the corner

Corners are OP

Corner is good because you only worry about three directions instead of five, and this frees up your brain to worry about other stuff

ptsd lmao

You’re probably a turtle. All my turtles seek out the corners.

Okkoy is that you?

I love to be where the two walls meet.

Everything except for movie theaters. You gotta sit in the top row in the middle to get the best view, but still get some comfort knowing nobody can sneak up behind you.

Na minha cabeça é porque há menos ângulos de onde as pessoas podem me atacar, 11 anos de bullying causam esse tipo de paranoia

It’s nice.

you will like Sumikko Gurashi

In a marriage sitting alone in a corner right now. r/me_irl

Roach behavior.

The primal urge to find a corner and defend it with a pointy stick

I cannot relate? I love pillars

The only way I know what’s going on around me 😭 I’m anxious

I love corners; it’s always so warm there

When I go to the bar myself I notice I always find a corner, pole or something to look less conspicuous next to 😭

Literally me!

Corners are so private and cozy.

Idk, corners have always freaked me out. In a mathematically perfect world you could always keep moving into a corner right? It would just keep getting smaller and tighter and more constrained… on and on forever

Corners are nice. They are usually 90 degrees.

Yes but then they tend to be messier and stinkier unfortunately

Corner phobia

I once sat in a cafe in the middle fucking seat alone on a 4 person seat because it was the only one available. The goddamm anxiety

I’ve never been happier in an office than when I had a corner cubicle

Feng shui’s command position would like a word

A corner can increase the deep bass up to 12 db due to wall reflections ✌🏻

Not in the movies. I always sit in the middle middle so that my neck doesnt get stuck in a wierd position and so that either one of my ears get blasted with sound while the other cant hear

And somehow there’s always that one **** that sits by your side despite the place being completely empty.

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