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This is actually a great life hack !

And also park where you can leave without having to ask someone else to move their car 

This is the reason why I prefer to drive my own car than ride along with my family. I easily get bored during family gatherings.

As an introvert I can say you can remove the word “family” from the sentence

Becomes taxi for those who didn’t bring their own vehicle

Rule number two, never give anyone in the family a ride after family gatherings, better yet order them a uber

Cut out the family. Save a step.

Public transport subscription is boss. I don’t have to care about other drivers, can drink what I want and if I want to leave early I can excuse it by “I need to get that train”. Car drivers never now the actual schedule.

It’s so real when you feel the vibe changing, get your car and run!!

I prefer suggesting a key swapping party, then take your dads keys out of the bowl as his car I a lot nicer than yours.

It’s upto you if you leave immediately or afterwards.

The weird thing is, I’ve never been too close with my extended family in the first place, but even then, the odd occasion where I *am* at a gathering, it’s *still* boring.

Like, you would think I’d be *happy* to see family after so long, but it’s never the case. It must be something in the water.

My dad told me this for everything. He would say, if you need gas money, let me know. The 2 times in my life, I have gone to an event with friends and ridden with them, instead of going in my own car. I regretted it, big time.

Also make sure to park a little bit further away so your car is not trapped between other family members cars and you can just leave instead of having to ask one of them to move their car so you can get out.

1000000% true.

This is why I took my own car to my wedding

2nd rule would be, if possible, to pawn your kids off on somebody else before leaving.

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