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Bro does not want to be there

The only true human among all those gremlins

BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE … let’s start a chant.

American good ending is Bernie for president

Bernie is a real one

Bernie is the grandmaster of looking grumpy

I’m not applauding an authoritarian either.

There’s our Bernie! Yeah!

Poor Bernie having to sit through this horseshit

I wish Bernie would’ve ran again lol

Didn’t he look the same at the last two? lol god love Bernie

Where is goku

He should have been president in 2016. I will forever mourn that not being the case

Bernie – the president we needed but didn’t deserve

This is the guy who asked, once again, for your money, right?

Irrespective of politics it gave me a chuckle

Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie

Lmao, same

How does that man have the will to keep fighting? The whole country is so misguided, bordering on completely lost. These next four years… Man. Brace yourselves.

Bernie Sanders, the president we all deserved and never got.

It’s some real “Why do I have to go to church if I don’t even believe in god???” body language.

Bernie has always been a real one.

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride…

Somebody bring dis man hims mittens! 🥺

G a n g s t e r As F


Be like Bernie!

Ya we can’t believe it either, buckle up.

poor bernie 🙁

I wonder how beyond frustrating it must be to be him and watch as everything goes exactly as he has been warning it would for ages now


Can only blame the Dems on this

REALLY. Lmaoooooooooo

I laughed too hard at this.

Is there a tee this time?


Showing up but not wngaging feels like a power move

Feel the bern

At least he didn’t have to wear his mittens this time.

fuck…. this… shit ….

Too warm for mittens this time?

Bernie Sanders??

Gotta love this man!

Bernie Sitting Ten toes down and I’m all for it.

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