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They’d start a waltz, and I’d accidentally hit the Dougie. Game over

They call them techno raves nowadays

There is literally nothing stopping you from renting an event hall and throwing your own gala

Whew! This hurt my feeling in all kinds of ways.

Mardi Gras balls are very such still a thing.

I’d attend the gala but last time I did, a silly little goober ripped my gallbladder out of me and ate in in front of me

Poor’s law

I do LARP, and 5-day events can cost like $900. People who put on balls like this want $300 for a 4-hr event, and you still have to find a costume. Even as someone who loves this stuff, it’s rarely worth it.

Who is “they” ?

Am I crying??

90+% of people throughout history were peasant farmers btw. They couldn’t afford shoes let alone galas.

Eat the rich

Time change, traditions evolve!

Reddit used to call out suspicious accounts like this.

4.7k likes-33comments

10 year old account then starts commenting 6 days ago.

This is clearly a boosted post by an account farmer. Dead internet is starting to become a reality.

That’s the thing about people that complain about the modern era, they have this fantasy of what life in antiquity would be like.

First, even if you were in this time period, the best life you could hope for would suck compared to an average life in a developed country now. Limited food options, high mortality rates, general discomfort, taking a hot bath was an ordeal for the average person.

And they people that have these fantasies always think they’d be a knight or a nobleman, no, you’d be the guy they made fun of, just like how you’re that right now. The lack of social skills that put you in your current situation would alienate you just as much back then

Let’s at least bring back the community meet and greets

The people who romanticize the past like that and mean like the past past are weird af to me.

The guys that go online and look a picture of a street full of men in suits and everyone has to dress up for EVERYTHING even as mundane as a grocery run and go “god why can’t we back to that” like do they have any idea how exhausting that would be and how hot or cold depending on the situation they’d be all the time?

Savage, but accurate

I have to go to galas for work on a sometimes multi-weekly basis.

Y’all don’t wanna be invited. They’re not that great. Keep boozing at home or whatever

He missed the opportunity to add “just like how no one responds to you on dating apps now” at the end, but I suppose there’s no point in continuing to pummel an already-murdered horse.

Thought I was on r/murderedbywords

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