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Guess what you gotta be to not worry anymore

That’s my definition of rich

more money, less responsibility

I mean what most working class people assume to be rich is barely even that much. 1% has so much wealth its hard to put it in context when most struggling between choosing roof or food at times.

Exactly. Sure, being able to buy luxury stuff and going on fancy vacations would be nice, but all I really want is for those I care about and myself to live comfortably without worrying about affording food, affording medical care, affording utilities, etc. To just be able to access all the necessary resources for living without needing to sacrifice or postpone anything else important.

Yeah, but the constant worry is what *they* want.

1. Afford a medium house. Like 100-150 meter squares is enough for me

2. Dont worry ever about bills and food

3. Entertainment (really just books and videogames. The most expensive purchases will probably just be pc parts)

4. Have enough to take care of local stray cats and their living and medical expenses.

Thats enough i guess. I dont like to travel nor do any more expensive hobbies.

That’s called being rich.

Just have my home paid off would make us so comfortable

As soon as I have spare money the government seems to know that I have spare money and just ups taxes, it’s fucking stupid

Um…..for you not to worry about expenses and issues related to it, you need enough money to be comfortable with. That means a lot of money. What does having a lot of money means by definition? Rich.

I agree with this, I just want enough to get by with some money I can save and some to have fun with every month. I currently have enough to pay my bills and worry till my next paycheck comes in, will be less of an issue if I could just pay my credit card debt off. I could get a second job, but I work a full time job and don’t own a car. Credit card payments could pay for vehicle ownership like insurance and gas, just not a car payments. without a car I dont have the time to get a second job. The vehicle could give me the time as I would not be walking to and from work. Basically I need the car to get a second job right now, but I need the second job to get the car. I don’t need that much more, but I do need more than what I get now.

Id be more worried if i was rich

Maaan… i’m not poor, but i just want enought savings to be able to go into a holiday a year without worrying about my car suddenly breaking down and throwing me into a financial crisis..

Imagine having enough money to not work… Not even to live an extravagant life, travel, expensive car, partying every week… Just you basic needs are being met, you fix costs are taken care off, and 1k extra a month. That’s it. Until the rest of your life. If you work for extra, great, you go.

If i were a billionaire i would live a simple life on a beach with dogs.

Most people suck

The amount of people that can *discern* the difference between “rich” and “living comfortably”, in this thread is staggering!

No, this meme is not the definition of rich. Having enough to afford life’s essentials, a.k.a modern commodities like a home and electricity, while simultaneously not having to put 1000’s in dental work on hiatus is a good example.

20,000 dollars worth of equity for an average 30 year old should be considered NORMAL, in fact I would consider it on the low end of the spectrum. However, a great majority of those in this age group are frequently missing opportunities to collect this capital, as they are struggling to pay exorbitant rent prices and food prices, while being leased for Pennies by a corp that has their hand in every facet of business.

Corporations will never just give you “capital”. For generations they contribute little to nothing to any community and continually build on to their existing capital. Wealth inequality exists, and with no chance to acquire wealth generating capital, what positions do the very citizens of this system stand in?

It’s time to stop ostracizing one another for wanting a life, in which their basic modern commodities are always in peril. We’ve ALL contributed towards the success of this country; Why should we continue to let the upper 10% be the ones to inhale every benefit of this success? The system of acquiring capital only works if the top earners pay their fair share of taxes, instead of acquiring such an enormously unjust amount of capital, that competitors aren’t even a possibility.

We as citizen still deserve health, love and happiness. The disparity of capital amongst the top and the bottom will only continue to exponentially grow if we can’t even address this meme with common sense!

Two words: lifestyle creep

The person who is a blind consjmptionist is not fundamentally different from that poor guy. Give ‘enough’ money to anyone, and see them destroying the planet, society and themselves. (I am in no way saying don’t even enough money, I am saying that your meme is a bit wrong because the fundamental tendency is of consumptionism no matter at which level it is being done)

Yep, I never want to have too much money. The moment I have goo much money then I won’t have anything to work hard then like many other rich people that can’t fill that hole, turn to drugs

What a fantasy

yeah, that’s called being rich then

thats the real american pipe dream

That’s being rich dawg

I think that second one is the definition of rich.

By the time you can afford to not think about money at all, you’re in the 5% if not the 1%.

I want to have enough money to only work how much I want to
And for the best (has the correct morals and intelligence to actually use it to the best for poverty etc.) person to be extremely rich

People will settle for the bare minimum until they have it and then they will want more when they get it.


Then you worry about the economy and markets

Yes but when you pair that with the mentality that math is useless then you have people who can’t live comfortable no matter what the budget is


Until they have as much as they think they need for that, then they want more.

I don’t wanna be no movie star

I don’t wanna drive no fancy car

I just wanna be free to live my life

To live my own life

-Dead Prez [We Want Freedom]

Agreed, but a wave runner would also be a nice extra.

I’d take both but most people would definitely prefer rich given the choice

Oh, nah. I want to be rich.

Wrong! Jim, I do want to be rich. I have so many ideas for nonprofit programs that could help people. I just need funding.

This is me. I don’t need millions or anything extravagant, just enough to save for retirement, own a house, and support a family.

I’ve often wondered how much is enough. I worked for a wealthy family. They had plenty to be set for life and get the kids through school and off on their own. They could’ve probably travelled full time. But they continued to work, and invest, and head meetings and boards.

I guess we all want different things.

I want enough money to be able to afford food, my hobbies, and the occasional big trip every few years. 6 figures might as well be a million because my life wouldn’t change significantly between the two numbers. The only difference would be how early I retire.

They want us to be slaves to our wages

I think the better way to say this is the most people don’t have the goal of being *super* rich but rather just rich. I could do fine with having about 10 million but I hardly feel the need to have billions.

To most people it’s being at a level where they have enough financial confidence to know that bills are paid, food is on the table and the next unexpected emergency expense isn’t going to be devastating financially. To them that is rich and anything beyond is just luxurious excess.

I want to be able to go to a restaurant and order what I want without thinking about the price.

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