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I have a cat, so there’s 2 reasons why I don’t hear the pitter patter.

1. She’s silent

2. She doesn’t come when called (or at all TBH, but it’s always nice when she chooses to visit where I’m sitting)

one of the best sounds ever

These are not just steps, this is a march of love!

Looking for a dog and then hearing his tail wagging under a table.

My cat ignores me if I call his name. He only responds to “beautiful baby boy”

Nothing beats coming home, peeking through the window, and seeing my cats rush to the door.

mine is silent😔 but I love hearing her little collar bell as she comes at me in the morning😭 so cute

My cat used to do this, he had one claw that was always super long so you’d just hear a couple clicks down the hall and know he’s running to you lol

Then you realize your pet died two weeks ago. The door Creek’s open and you see two shiny eyes looking straight at you from the dark void…

All fun and games till you realize, your pets already besides you.

I just got back from the grocery store, and one of my dogs was waiting for me by the door, as usual. He only hangs out there when I’m gone. He’s a good guy.

My gf when she calls for me:

This with my cat but with my pig it’s more like a thud thud thud with happy grunts instead of a pitter patter. It’s still cute.

There’s something magical about hearing the soft thud of paws at night, only to realize it’s just my imagination. But when I actually see my cat, it’s like a surprise party every time.

Not fun: hearing that when you don’t have a pet

i tried this with my cat after he has been hidden somewhere sleeping the entire time after reading this post

he did not disappoint, he is good boy :3

I have a Great Dane. There is no pittering or pattering. The whole house shakes like there’s a train going through the yard.

Even better with cats


But then you remember you don’t have pets.

my dumbass child is smart enough to know when we’re calling for him but not smart enough to know I can hear his bell jingling when he’s digging through the trash

For me, it’s wing flutters, usually unprompted and harassful in nature.

I need a pet

Have you ever told your pet your name????


no but this is all I need

that never happens with me 😭🙏

I saw this image posted earlier with a ***wayyy*** less innocent caption

My cat has a nightly routine that after I go to bed, she goes searching around the house for her favorite toy and then brings it to me.

So I’ll lie down, then she’ll wander off for a bit in search of her toy, until I hear this excited *dmp-dmp-dmp-dmp-DMP-DMP-DMP* crescendoing down the hallway, followed by her jumping in bed and dropping the toy at my feet.

Random comment I know but if I call my dog’s name – he wont come unless he knows I have something. If I want him near me I have to call his name and tell him to “sniff this” then he runs over and I usually have to show him my cell phone or chapstick or something to sniff.

My cat whispers so you’ll just hear a “heh”

Oh yeah, nothing like that heartwarming moment right before they either zoom past you at 100 mph or show up just to ignore you entirely. Truly magical.

My cat is vocal so she’ll make whatever noise she wants on the way to me.

Then scream in my face like “HEEEEEYYYY WHATTTTTTT?!?!”

They do a lot for us, even unintentionally

My heart explodes every time. 🥹💖

Cats come when they feel like it not when they’re called.

Depending on where I’m at in the house, depends on whether I hear a pitter patter or if it’s thumping up the stairs 🤣

This makes me sad because my dog is 16 and recently started not hearing us. He isn’t deaf, but he is definitely losing his hearing and his sight (sight has been going for a little while now). We called him the other day because we were in bed and wanted him to come get some scratches and he didn’t hear us call or clap or anything. I went out to go get him and he was sound asleep in the living room. It makes me really sad to see him aging. I remember when he turned 10 and I thought, if I get even 5 more years with him I’ll be happy. Well here he is, 16 years old and it’s not enough. I need 5 more buddy, please.

Sometimes when im goofing around or singing I replace a word with my dog’s name and wait to hear her coming. Its fun.

I adopted an 8# 11-year-old Chihuahua four years ago. She wears a cat collar with a bell so I can tell where she is because now she is deaf. I miss hearing her come when I call her name and it’s a bit frightening when I can’t find her but she’s normally curled up in the sun somewhere sleeping.

My sweet old lady had a happy dance she did when she was running around the kitchen waiting for her brekkie: thump thump thump thump thump thump THUMP thump thump thump thump thump thump THUMP. I miss that little (85#) dog so much.

I just had to say goodbye to my Jojo and he’d make pitter-patter as he went down the steps. Oh it’s only been a couple of weeks but I miss him.

My cat just died and we just got done eating dinner. Part of the cat dinner process was giving her some pieces of chicken or something we had. She loved it. She loved to eat little bits of people food. I instinctively went to do that then remembered she’s dead… fucking sucks.

My German shepherd has the biggest paws ever, so it’s more ‘when you call your pet over and you hear gunshots go off as he’s running at mock 10 to you’

Pitter-patter is a flex.

Yeah thats very cool

This was me and my childhood dog. Thanks for making some tough years so full of light Jackie, I miss you

And then you wake up understanding that you’ll not heared this sounds for the last N years…

My cat likes to hang out in our basement at night. When I call her, I hear her running up two flights of stairs to find me. It is cute.

Heart goes pitter patter 🥰

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