Meeting between a child in Ku Klux Klan robes and a black patrolman, 1992

By eesti55
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Whoever put the robe on that innocent child should be slapped.

This is a photo that needs to have a where are they now. That child is likely late 30s now, I wonder if they eventually grew out of that robe or they just kept getting bigger sizes in spite of their lack of growth.

I was expecting the date to be 1962, not 1992!

Sadly, it probably could be today too.

Poor kid doesn’t even know what is going on. =/

Hate is taught.

That child has no idea it’s supposed to hate that officer.

*You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear*
*You’ve got to be taught from year to year*
*It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear*
*You’ve got to be carefully taught*

*You’ve got to be taught to be afraid*
*Of people whose eyes are oddly made*
*And people whose skin is a different shade*
*You’ve got to be carefully taught*

*You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late*
*Before you are six or seven or eight*
*To hate all the people your relatives hate*
*You’ve got to be carefully taught*
*You’ve got to be carefully taught…*

–“You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” from *South Pacific,* Rodgers/Hammerstein © 1949

Kids don’t see race

And they say teachers, lgbtq members and allies, and librarians, etc are indoctrinators?!?

With all the progress that’s been made has there really been any progress made? Racism and xenophobia etc has been perpetrated as a means to influence and control people since humans existed. I feel like racism really is just a lack of intelligence and critical thinking due to brainwashing. Idk I’m over this shit

Such a sad photograph. I wonder what was going through both their minds.

If I had to guess, the child might not even have understood anything and the officer was most likely just saddened by what he was looking at.

The fact this is the 90’s is insane. But also not. And that dichotomy is sad. And insane.

And such a sick pair of pumps. How could his parents have such good taste but such shitty morals.

Racism is taught

Well that’s a powerful image. Depressing in a lot of ways but powerful.

This is just genuinely sad. Like you can tell the to black cops are just asking themselves how the hell we got here. This is coming from somebody who’s experienced a good amount of racism, I personally can excuse ignorance so long as it’s not wilful. I have been the only non-white person that many of my peers had known up until I was 18, so I can understand a genuine lack of knowledge. However I could never imagine teaching my child to actively hate and think that I’m bettering the world.

The officers just look so disappointed in this photo.

I like how certain older people say that Racism didn’t exist before the year 2000 but there’s so much proof of that being a lie.

Shit is heartbreaking, innocent ass child that’s being taught this

How fucking evil does a motherfucker have to be..

Hate is taught

Child abuse must be acceptable to Nazis

this is so bad- child should be tken away from toxic situation.

I’m kinda curious how life turned out for that kid.

Is that Elon’s kid?

You can see the empathy for this poor baby in that man’s posture. He’s just sad. It’s so sad.

Who knew racism could be so adorable?

So many people get brainwashed with hate. It’s disgusting.

Kick the baby!

That some sad shit.

‘The libs are endoctrinatin’ the kids!’

But they have the audacity to cry about indoctrination.

Bet that child traded the white hood for a red cap.

White robes or red hats, it’s all blurry to me now.

Obviously, this is real. There are interviews with the state trooper, etc. But we’re getting to the point that I’m questioning every pic online like “Hmmm, is that AI? The fingers look real, but I dunno?”

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