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I mean the choice is either to toaster bath yourself or figure that shit out

What the fuck else are we supposed to say?

‘Shit’s gone wrong, someone pass me the rope’?

No other choice tbh

What else are you supposed to do?

I mean… what else we gonna do?

When faced with every difficulty, my first thought is literally “the world is ending, I’m going to kill myself.”

As I face the difficulty, the problem is not as big as it seemed.

And when I’m done, I say “I overreacted,” only to start the cycle all over again.

I would love to be able to be calmer in problematic situations.

I usually say it is what it is

We don’t have anyone to rely on

Hakuna matata

That’s because we get laughed at or ignored when we say we need help or we’re struggling. Or worse, I work with a girl who dumped a guy because he talked about his feelings too much.

The world doesn’t care about men as people they only care about how valuable we are (not necessarily monetary, but that helps)

Because the minute we open up, you make it worse.

What else are we supposed to do? Nobody is going to help us.

So it’s either “eh” or rope.

We aren’t pretty enough.

-Notice it’s ‘Captain Save-a-hoe.’ Nobody’s coming to save dudes.

Because we get ridiculed for any other response.

Mad about it? He can’t control his emotions

Sad about it? He’s weak

Happy about it? He’s not ambitious

Complaining about it out loud but still determined to fix the problem? Hes so whiney

Yeah cause we are the one who are expected to solve our own problems and also give a ton of love and appreciation while being starved of it

I’m currently in the process of figuring it out.

My now ex has been out of work for 4 months. I told her when she stopped working that I’d take care of her. And I did. Took every penny I had. Then as soon as she finds work, she kicks me out the door and now I’m living in my car.

Because every time we faced a challenge growing up, we were told “Figure it out for yourself”.

Yeah bc they’ve learned crying about it won’t get you anywhere and no helicopter is coming to save you.

Because you have to. You have no choice. Yeah, it’s not mentally healthy in any way, shape, or form, but this is the world we live in and the hell it throws at us, and there is only really one option “I’ll figure it out”.

$20 says she posts shit like this, but has shamed men for doing so irl.

My wife hates when I say this, but you know what, I can’t have a 100-point plan formulated in 30 seconds. I say I’ll figure it out, cuz I will, cuz that’s what I’ve always done. And where we are is incredible compared to where we were, so you know, have some fucking faith in me.

Look at the suicide rates and you will see the other side of it.

Three men for every one woman commit suicide…

A women gets divorced and she will win money and a house most likely.
Not saying women have it eazy but reality for men is a bit more fucked than most women think.

Didn’t you listen to that sunscreen song years ago? “Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum”

I did that until I was like… 33? then someone I respected said to me, You know it’s okay to get help?

That changed everything. I made 6 figures, my marriage got better, and my kids all started listening.

…and we do.

Shit will take its course, there are ups, downs, and everything in between. Either suffer through it or deep throat a 357 magnum

It is what it is

Works for me.

I did. Got fired, divorce finalized, and got evicted in the same month. 13 years later, remarried, first time home owner, stable career.
You have no choice but to figure it out.

The comment section on this makes me sad. Men should be able to express their feelings to their partners without it being weapon used or seen as weak. I can’t speak for others, but I love when someone trusts me enough to be vulnerable to me. That’s how you make a best friend in life. I can understand being upset someone has done that to you, but please don’t let that person keep you from something special with the right person.

What the fuck else am i gonna say

Because nobody gives a fuck about men. It’s either, “I’ll figure it out” or the “Remington retirement plan”.

what else can you do?

Men are almost always looking for ways to solve problems. So figuring it out is kind of what we do.

Of course this is also a source of trouble in relationships when ladies wish to just talk and vent about problems and have someone listen because usually we are thinking of solutions that the ladies don’t want to hear.

I’ve tried crying. I’ve tried praying. I’ve tried asking for help.

Can’t cry because everyone thinks less of you.
Can’t stop because that’s seen as weak.
Can’t express concern because that’s seen as weak.
Disassociate and say it’ll be grand

When all this happened to me, I was avoided by all friends, both directly and indirectly. I could have gotten more help and support if I maintained a fake “I’m great” or even “I’m fine” because at least then people would have actually wanted to be around me. That’s what I do now. If I struggle, I frame it like I am not struggling and have no needs, but “hey if you’re free maybe it’d be cool to do/talk about X” and I get far more support than if I was honest about my emotional state or the true impact of the help.

Sad men are dark comedies, not dramas.

Women hate a man who talks about his problems, even if they say they want that

You’re a man, who is coming to save you.

The best part is when you have a possible solution but it takes time to work … And they get mad because it’s not showing results, working fast enough or they don’t visibly see you do something physical.

As opposed to finding our feelings and eating them…? 😜

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