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So it worked as intended, shocking.

Xanax is a terrible example of this and nobody ever listens. I was prescribed xanax and took it only when needed (panic attacks).

I’ve heard the same story 100 times from friends and random people; “dude I didn’t feel shit, it didn’t even do anything. I was just chill.”

Okay, did you get really hungry and water tasted like the gods?

>well yeah…

Okay did you pass out in a weird ass spot and had the best sleep in the last 10 years?

>uh yeah..

Do you even remember what happened a couple hours after you took it?


Congratulations, you were high off benzos. It’s so subtle that you will barely comprehend that you’re high as it’s happening. This “BABY ITS YOUR MEDICINE YOU HAVE ANXIETY” take is so fucking corny, it’s unreal. It’ll chill anybody out.

It causes low inhibition due to the affects benzos have on your GABA receptors. Similar to being drunk.

Edit: this reminds me of people who also try snorting the shit. Alprazolam specifically isn’t even water soluble. It literally goes into your nose then the back of your throat to your stomach.

Uppers, Downers, Psychedelics, you name it im prescribed it. The perfect balance.

Edit: I’m not joking:







Steroids (cream).

Had esketamine in hospital recently

And more. Refuse any opiates though, that stuff makes my brain feel like it’s full of electricity, which I mean it is, but I shouldn’t feel it.

Remembering that one time at uni where i met with a few fellow students to write an important piece and someone brought ritalin. Everyone around me typed at highspeed while i was basically giggling for 3 hours straight. Thats when i found out i may have adhd

They gave me Xanax at the ward and I teleported into a new room

Unpopular opinion i guess but if you have chronic anxiety you shouldn’t rely on xanax but rather learn to deal with it. Xanax has mean withdrawals. Ones you can die from. It’s not a nice drug to be taking more than occasionally

I was prescribed Xanax and was taking it between maybe 2017-2019. It works absolutely great to mellow you out, but it is extremely addictive. If you don’t take it, your anxiety or panic attacks go through the fucking roof. To a level that far exceeded where I was at prior to taking the meds. To get off of it I had to pretty much just lock myself in my room for a week, only to leave to go to the bathroom or to go to work. It was a horrible first few days and I would go between extreme depression or extreme panic, but I knew everything would eventually out by the time I finished.

Lethal levels of cringe here

Responsible recreational drug use is fun. But I never understood Benzos as one of them.

Worst thing you can do is prescribe yourself a drug with no basis. Get a real doctors advice and learn the risks of misuse.

No, it’s not their medicine. Benzodiazepines are terrible for you and shouldn’t be used for any more than a short period of time. Next to alcohol it is one of the worst drugs to get dependent on.
There is a GOOD reason for MOST people’s anxiety. Your life and habits are shit and need to be changed. But popping a pill is much more easier than all that. You can worry about the seizures from withdrawal and the increased anxiety to levels you never had before when you don’t have access or get cut off your medication later right?

Drugs work wonders when they work properly and ruin your life when they don’t. Addiction is a BITCH.

Just wait until they quit it and their body has lost the chemical balance to actually deal with anxiety in any form..

Kind of being a downer but it bothers me how over prescribed benzos are. Was on an Rx for 5 2m Xanax a day for years. DSM says 2 weeks tips, yikes.

Tolerance builds SO fast. Interestingly what basically cured my anxiety was prison.

Benzos work SO fast and SO well, just sucks how fast you become dependent.

Man they really do be prescribing drugs like candy these days instead of teaching how to deal with the spectrum of human emotions and taking care of oneself

I’ve noticed a lot of times that when people have underlying conditions they aren’t aware of or simply don’t recognize such as anxiety, drugs that would normally be recreational in nature can be therapeutic.

I have a half-sister who has severe bipolar disorder that NEVER responded to psychiatric medication and one time, she ended up smoking a blunt. It was the first time in 15 years since her diagnosis that her moods stabilized, and she was able to actually function.

The same goes for me since I suffer from anxiety and PTSD and when I have my days where it’s more severe, a dose of CBD oil or a THC gummy helps calm me down tremendously without getting me high.

That’s not how medicine works, this dumb bitch doesn’t know what drug addiction looks like

That’s not how Xanax works. You take it like a drug, it’s going to act like a drug. One minute you feel relaxed, the next minute you wake up in the middle of the freeway butt naked and police surrounding you screaming commands

Honestly, being an addict was how I figured out I had ADHD, I never really got into stimulants because they didn’t really get me high, they just made me a functional human being. I spent a long time wondering why people loved them so much when they didn’t do shit, and then it finally hit me as I was early in my recovery, lol.

Xanax is a bad example but this is legitimately how I found out I needed to take ADHD medication. Took Adderall recreationally and I just had a calm, productive day where I didn’t feel like shit about my executive dysfunction.

This is how i found out i had ADHD, i took my friend’s adderal and an hour later went…wait a minute

Everyone thinks they’re a fucking psychiatrist

People can’t get diagnosed without spending years jumping through hoops unless they’re diagnosed as a child. I barely want to be alive at this point, let alone spend another few years jumping through hoops. All I want is a decent job and my own place to live and I’ll be fine. But instead everything is hopelessly expensive and doesn’t show any sign of changing. What’s the point, I wanna die.

This is how I figured out I have ADHD. My friend group all took adderall to study for a final and everyone except me ended up just partying, I aced the test.

“You should be medicated” is a scary set of words.

So true. A dozen failed treatments then boom… Here you go. Oh… Oh.. Ohhhhh. This is what normal feels like.

I’ve been begging for a scrip for years but i just got shuttled between different antidepressants instead

How I discovered I probably had ADHD using another substance lol

This is how I found out I have ADHD. I mean I always kind of knew, but trying Adderall for the first time and everyone else was pumped up and i just felt normal.

This was pretty much my experience with benzos in general. The difference was also quite apparent the morning after. My friends would wake up groggy/be constantly falling back asleep, whereas I would just feel like I’d finally slept properly for the first time in my life. It’s a shame these kinds of drugs are incredibly addictive/detrimental to your health, as the positive effects are absolutely incredible.

That’s how I found out

Lmao my mind would have been blown if I tried adderall or xanax before diagnosis

That’s literally what happened to me with Valium. I had a huge supply from a friend and I was taking a bunch trying to get high and all I felt was normal and relaxed. But not like sedated relaxed, just, not tense all the time and worried about everything.

I should probably look into getting on it lmao

I wish I could go to parties and do drugs.

There is no medication for anxiety, only supressants

People often on benzos often think it’s “not working” so they take more. You have stories of people taking research chemical benzos and have days/weeks of blackouts as a results.

A friend handed me some “speed” at a party to help us stay awake. It was Ritalin, I have ADD. I calmed down and went home early to do some homework I had been putting off.

As someone with extreme anxiety I take 4mg a day and it baffles me people take this as a drug it doesn’t do anything but make me feel like a normal person

Tell them to pop three more and drink a few beers, they’ll pass out in under two hours

That was pretty much my reaction to trying adderall the first time: “huh, things feel muted and at peace”

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