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This isn’t wrong.

Cause he’s a fancy, elf like pseudo twink

Next question.

He truly reminds me of a starving peasant.

That bow. You know. The one the Jester does with one leg pointed out, one hand in the air and the other rotating in front of him to gesture the bow.

I can picture him doing it.

Saddam Hussein

Tbh I kinda see it

Eleanor Margolis sounds just like how that shoe looks.

Every time I see him I be like he reminds me of something this is the closest of what I’m thinking

Dude knows his college football though

He was born too late to play a hobbit.

Maybe it’s just chalamet sounding like Charlemagne, but this checks out

Why does this make sense

The name

He’s the next prince of persia

The only shoe that can double as a period appropriate condom!

I don’t know why, but this kills me every time I see this posted. It’s so accurate.

How did this frail little man end up in action movies?

They both look like things I’d call “twat.” It’s a shame, though. I’ve heard nothing but nice things about TC.

Because he’s really skinny/scrawny, yet somehow people think he’s a good portrayal of an elite/advanced warrior.

This is amazing

He is such as that shoe 💀

Ayoo….I do see it

Why is this so accurate??!!?!!!!?!??

He’s like an old italian shoe came to life, like in beauty of the beast kinda way

He’s like a bad knock off of a lord of the rings character and I love the lord of the kings…

I think it’s cuz that’s what his dick looks like. Kinda chodey with a really long snouty foreskin.

lmao and I just finished watching Beautiful Boy yesterday


dude’s the chill-est, cool-est, most down to earth actor of our generation. don’t miss it b/c a meme compared him to a shoe. he’s the GOAT

As a man that loves men, that shoe is *too* gay.
There’s fruity, and then there’s fructose.

This is the kind of meme the artist will see, and then decide on a major role shift lmfao

Medieval ?? Bro these are still in style in some places

Not even wrong

Blackadder vibes.

Smelly and effete?

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