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Money doesn’t solve everything…But it sure fucking solves 99% of it

I’d have way more money if I didnt waste it on therapy (or cocaine)

I know I’d have a lot less to struggle with mentally if my bills were always paid.

Someone finally spitting out facts

I would settle for not having the price of everything increasing infinitely.

Literally every problem in my life would be solved if I was given $500,000 tax free. I’m not even greedy asking for $1 million or more. Give me $500k and that’s life-changing for me.

And she’s talking to the people who have enough money to go to therapy.

As a poor person with an anxiety disorder, I agree.

Money being the ultimate most needed therapy.

Especially after having to pay 50$ an hour to talk to someone

I don’t have enough money for this therapy I’m told to get

Literally yes

Money cannot buy happiness, but it can sure as fuck buy peace of mind and solve most of life’s problems….which are often the things that block happiness from being attainable

Therapy is expensive.

People right now are stressed, depressed, and terrified because they don’t have enough money to survive, much less have any kind of real luxuries. No wonder we’re all messes.

I got money

Still need therapy 😔

Someone, give me your money

I had PCP that said if he could prescribe anything his number 1 prescription would be income security.

Beg to differ. As much as I am in support of the sentiment, therapy is definitely needed more than money in most cases. Because if it’s to the point most people need to get to to be willing to go to therapy, odds are they’re in desperate need of it. Money won’t solve clinical depression. Money won’t solve autism. Money won’t solve ADHD. Money won’t solve PTSD. Money won’t solve BPD. Money won’t solve much, really. At the very least, the money required to solve these problems would be far higher than is really fair (like in the millions or billions).

I want to exist, and have resources to exist WITHOUT some corporate structure involved that is inherently unjust to me. And becoming more obviously sure this is the case.

Buy a tiny plot of terrible land, put cheap shipping containers on it to live in, and then enjoy your perfect satellite based Internet. Because we can provide Internet if we pay monthly, but buy land and NOT BE BEHOLDEN to someone and pay them money… that is somehow not valued by society anymore.

The taxes on land I own NEVER end. Then the interest rates go up, which doesn’t affect the contract, but it affects EVERYTHING ELSE.

Then, rich people use their wealth against us, buy everything, and then say “well I cornered the market early”.

No shit! It is housing!!! It is literally one of the basic necessities of LIVING.


Also, I pay more in taxes than billionaires.

More money doesn’t make you happier, IF you already have enough to cover your bills comfortably. Struggling to pay al necessities will make you unhappy.

And now think about the 600 million dollar wedding of Jeff Bezos. How does this make you feel?

Yerp, life would be so much better


I always say money isn’t the solution to everything but a necessity to live comfortably.

It’s better to be feeling down in a cozzy and full stomach then be sad and out there in the cold.

Therapy ain’t cheap!

Most of my mental problems are due to money related issues

As someone with money (with a past of never having it) i can confidently say that money fixes pretty much nothing.

and a good health

More like discipline!!

I have lots of money and I’m still miserable what now

No it wont.

Discipline is a hell of a trait to get some money

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