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As a person who brush his teeth in the shower – it’s the opposite of efficiency. we waste so much water and it’s not like we’re saving time or anything. it’s just comfortable.

Exactly, peeing in the shower is the maximum level of efficiency for me.

Oh yeah? Try to brush teeth while on the can. Gotta keep one hand on the brush the other for wiping. And spitting is a whole ‘nother obstacle

Efficiency? Dude, I do it because the shower is pleasant. And I shower every morning anyway. I can either brush my teeth and shave when I’m still warm and slightly less stressed out than usual and have the shaving foam gone in a second after I’m done, or I can stare at myself in the bathroom mirror, when I’m either still groggy from having just woken up or progressively getting colder from just leaving the shower and have to do it anyway. Brushing teeth, shaving and showering are plain NOT optional for my oversized ass(I already look like an ogre, no point in smelling like one too). I view it as plain laziness on my part.

Drinking an ice cold beer in a hot shower is a level of enlightenment most don’t know they can easily achieve.

You guys don’t pee and brush your teeth in the shower at the same time?

Sometimes if I’m running late I’m also lathering my hair with shampoo.

It’s the opposite of efficiency, I do it because I’m lazy and getting out of the shower is a whole thing

I brush my teeth in the shower because I’m lazy and horrible with time management. This way I’m done with that part and when I’m inevitably running late it doesn’t get skipped lol

You can really go at it with gusto in the shower and not worry about flinging foamy flecks all about.

Brushing in the shower is peak efficiency. Everyone should be doin it

Brushing your teeth and pooping during the same shower, total time saver.

I floss in there, if I take the whole hygiene kit in, I’m more likely to do it. (Fuck ADHD haha.) But I have lost three hairbrushes this week so there’s still a mountain to climb

Stand, adjust the showerhead, grab a toothbrush and put toothpaste on it, pee, pump the shampoo a couple times with my left hand, shampoo hair, brush teeth, pee all at once.

I’m the least efficient person ever, I just brush in the shower because it’s a last ditch effort at saving some time at all lol plus it’s just less messy

Please don’t do this! Your shower head is full of bacteria, it’s fine for washing transient bacteria and dirt from your skin, but you don’t want that in your mouth.

That’s the exact opposite of efficiency. You shouldn’t even leave the sink running as you brush.

This. This is a game changer. Toothpaste in the soap caddy. Why hadn’t I thought of this before?

I’m in there for an hour staring at the wall, I might as well brush halfway through it…

I do a deep conditioning on my hair that takes several minutes to really work. So I usually spend the time shaving my pits and legs and brushing my teeth while I’m waiting.

for me it is not efficiency it is laziness i shower then i brush my teeth

It’s definitely not efficient, I brush my teeth in the shower and I end up brushing my teeth for like ten minutes and my showers end up being 40 minutes.

I brush my teeth on the toilet, much more efficient

I brush my teeth, shower and clean my daily crocs too so when I’m out everything is clean, and my wife washes her underwear by hand also in the shower

What do you save? Seconds? If that? I’m good.

I don’t like brushing my teeth with hot water

That is the warm place. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Worked with a guy in the military that would brush his teeth while taking his morning wizz.

😂😂😂😭😭 I totally do.

I’ve never understood why this is weird. It seemed like the obvious place to do it as a kid and although I’ve heard protests I’ve yet to hear a valid reason why it’s bad in my 43 years of life.

I feel like this is another perl clutch from a Victorian flake farmer who decided brushing teeth using running water causes “’tisims”

Love it when I’m all lathered in soap while brushing my teeth, feeling good. Then the suds drip into my eyes and it’s all over.

I do. But only for my morning shower.

Idk sounds inefficient… If a shower usually takes 2-3 minutes then brushing my teeth would make it take around 5 minutes instead because I can’t use my hand to wash my hair while I’m brushing my teeth

Efficiency of time or resources? You think that running that much water, heated with gas or electricity as you stand there brushing your teeth is efficient? As far as the time taken, it takes just as much time to stand in front of the sink with the water shut off brushing as it does to stand in the shower with the water running. But in the shower you’re wasting gallons of water and the energy needed to heat it. Pretty fucking stupid thing to do actually.

It’s not a matter of efficiency, it’s a matter of “I don’t remember to do this alone, but if I couple it with something else it becomes manageable.”

When I was younger I showered with my clothes on and let them dry while wearing them. Peak efficiency

Time efficient or water efficient?


This is allowed??

i leave conditioner in while i brush my teeth. at least my hair comes out soft.

That is too much.

How about brushing your teeth while shitting

My girlfriend does this because she’s actually the least efficient person on earth, and shes more likely to notice it in the shower where there aren’t as many distractions

Picked up this vice from my ex , it’s so hard to go back to sink brushes lol

I brush my teeth in the shower because I have a bad gag reflex. There’s about a 1/20 chance I’m gonna start puking furiously and I want to be in the shower when it eventually happens.

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