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I’d still try to schedule the playdate with the cat. Is the cat available for adults?

Cats can have playdates

So anyway, about that playdate…?

“And today piper let me pet her” “today piper sat in my lap!” “Today piper let me hold her”. Parent “aww how sweet!”

Ummm…when your kid mentioned this Piper for MONTHS…they never questioned if the friend was a boy or girl and talked about their activities together while playing at daycare? Not ONCE, did the kid mention a cat in MONTHS?

Come on…this parent needs better stories

Me as a kid

I don’t see what the problem is

I don’t see how that last part is relevant. Schedule that playdate!

In fairness to the cat, it’s probably a better influence than the boys

Plot twist, the cat passed away 5 years ago and none of the kids would have known that it existed.

Is there a problem in this story at all?

My daughters loves to play with Piper friend, but daycare lady claims, there is no such kid in facility.

Kids imaginations is wonderful.

Similar happened to me when we moved to our new place. My 6 year old wanted to invite “Candy” from next door to his birthday party. Candy was the neighbor’s dog.

My daughter talking for months about how her and Kion play in class. They go on the slide together, they hold hands when they run around the playground together, Kion loves to eat her pretend food, KION IS LITERALLY THE BEST PERSON EVER!

We go to a parent’s night and learn that Kion is the main character on the Disney show “Lion Guard”…

My uni had a program where we pet sat for people and got to use the time to wind down and basically just do cat therapy. 

I have a Piper cat who is polydactyl and therefore insanely friendly. She is open for play dates.

This girl gunna have five PhDs and win a Nobel prize.

I loved cats as a kid. Would always go up to one and would play with them for hours.

Sounds like you’ll be cat people soon if you’re not already, cute!

As someone who is more introverted than not, that kid might have a rough time with teachers. Got a lot of “why do you seem depressed or unhappy.” The answer is I’m an only child and I’m not depressed or unhappy, I’m just used to being by myself and having fun by myself

So she’s NEVER picked up her kid from preschool before then and noticed this cat? This makes zero sense


So schedule a playdate with one of the boys, wtf is the deal here

Piper is teaching me how to show hole

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