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I do that because I’m never sure if I dreamt sth or it actually happened

Ppl like to be talked down to and catered to. Making flat statements no matter how accurate upsets ppl for fuck knows y

I say that often, but only because my memory storage is as reliable as a Cybertruck’s windows

I also go with โ€œOh, uhm, I think it might be-โ€œ because some of the random knowledge I have either freaks people out (I once remembered a vague thing someone said to me two years earlier and they found it odd) or makes them think Iโ€™m a dork.

And If I recall, you’re usually confidently incorrect.

Yeah I do notice myself doing this in moments where Iโ€™m dead certain Iโ€™m right. Give off a decent sense of self doubt and allow the other person to โ€œfact checkโ€ for themselves. Itโ€™s easier and usually faster than trying to convince them, plus then I donโ€™t have to try and sound really sure of myself

Being right too soon is socially unacceptable

Well everyone has his / her own ways of expressing a personal opinion.

Ok Lena, but who asked?

If there’s one thing true of the internet, it’s that it’s full of people who are both polite and correct.

No, you don’t remember correctly *starts mansplaining*

not a good move tbh. People will readily interprete it as self-doubt and not politeness. Imo suggestions work better. What about X, have you conseidered Y. Soften the blow without debasing yourself.

I only do that if I’m not 100% sure, why indicate ur not sure if ur sure?

Lol I say stuff like this to hedge in case I’m wrong

I read so much shit sometimes that I get my facts mixed up, so I use that just in case I switched a couple of articles or paragraphs in my head, lol.

โ€œI believeโ€ โ€œI thinkโ€ โ€œIโ€™m pretty sureโ€ any way to make what your saying a 99% for correctness but leave that 1% for incorrect. Now of course you are not going to be correct because the topic you decided to actually engage with enough to talk about you remember fluently. But telling the other person to shut the fuck up and listen isnโ€™t nice

Maybeโ€ฆ but you seem to have broken the shift key on your keyboard.

You aren’t allowed to be 100% right anymore. It always has to be a maybe

Yeah see for me that means my memory banks are full so I can’t access the information fully. Please install more ram

Same. I have a recent comment that I started with ยซ maybe Iโ€™m wrong ยป knowing I was right.

Iโ€™m starting to really hate using these qualifiers though because I get lots of responses that โ€œfeelโ€ like being talked down to. lol.ย 

So me and so true, lol๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

I had a professor friend who used to say โ€œ Iโ€™m only 99.9%sure but โ€ฆ.

It was revealed to me in a dream

Some really smart people are say,…

I do that because it’s usually something I remember from youtube video and I don’t want to say that I learnt that from some 20 year old californian twink

In my experience the most knowledgeable, and best, leaders do this in a genuine way. You don’t come across as aggressive,ย you get people to think for themselves, and you’re opening up the conversation for them to challenge your knowledge in a productive way. You can guide them to the right answer or they’ll surprise you with new information.

The people who state “fact” are the most insufferable people because they are often wrong and use confrontational language doing it. It makes you look like an ass when you’re eventually exposed for being wrong. They then brush it off like it never happened. No one wants to be around these people long term.ย 

It only takes a coupleย times being confidently incorrect before people start questioning your knowledge all the time.

โ€œI remember and I am correctโ€. Funny thing is that you might remember it that way, but doesnโ€™t mean youโ€™re correct. Brain is funny like that.

If I say that it means there is a possibility that I could be wrong so Don’t take my statement as an accurate fact.

In my opinion too many people commit so much to a belief that even when they realize they are wrong, they continue claiming or even believing they are correct. Phases like “if I recall correctly”, “I believe” or “in my opinion” is less committal and allows changing of opinion much easier. I believe everyone should adopt it.

This is just pure arrogance.


Witness testimony is not reliable because your memories change as time goes on. So just because you remember something doesnโ€™t mean that is how it happened.

Especially in communication where you might have phrased something in a way that was misunderstood.

What a handle too, awesome all round.


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