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Don’t forget that what you say can be twisted and used against you.

I still remember the time when I was little and I realized that some people are mean on purpose. It shook me up.

Oh to live in a world where I can talk about my hyper fixations without the fear of judgement.

Yup. I learned attention was bad, so keep to myself. Then I learned which type of attention is bad, and now i talk to everyone and just play my little version of 20 questions to suss out motives manipulate information to limit what people know about me and vanish if I see a red flag. 95% of the people I talk to are benign. I’ve realized I just entered the social world and hit several land mines out the gate.

that hit me the moment a coworker i used to talk to mentioned that i talked a lot and didnt expect it since i mostly kept to myself otherwise

The old addages, “speak softly and carry a big stick” and “Offer one hand, but arm the other” are true and not meant literally. It basically means to be nice and good but always expect someone to pull something just in case to keep yourself safe until you can be sure. Same concept as not revealing your whole hand in a card game.

Or their interests are rarely centred, or they have poorer social skills and confidence which just creates a loop of being behind socially.

Me when I say “most” because it makes my point sound more dramatic

This feels like some vaguebooking nonsense. Very talkative is not the default lol

I’m a quiet person who is talkative when I’m interested in the topic of conversation and tune out when I’m not.

I learned being noticed could get you in trouble at a young age

guys it’s okay to be shy you don’t have to make up some tragic backstory

And the talkative people are somehow naive to this? Part of being a social human being is learning when and how you want to express yourself and understanding the consequences therein.

Theres nothing “not safe” about being chatty. Introverts or otherwise non talkative people are fine as they are without conjuring some sad narrative to justify it. I find the desire to caste them as these wounded animals who would be talkative if only people werent so darn mean silly.

Im extroverted in certain social circles and introverted in others that im less comfortable in.


This is so “I’m the victim” cry baby. Playing the role of the victim will never empower you.

Talk about timing! It’s my new years resolution to talk much less, especially around those who have judged me.

Or they realize that most people don’t really listen. They just wait for you to stop talking so they can start.

This…hit close to home.

I feel seen. It hurts but I’m working on finding my tribe.

No. They’re just quiet.

Truer words have never been written.

When you need to convince yourself you’re really really a talkative person but don’t because of x-reason then you’ve probably never been a talkative person.

And I don’t see why not being talkative would be a negative anyway. More people should be quiet.

That should say:

“…it’s not safe to be ANYBODY’S friend.”

In fact, quiet people are also the smartest, prettiest and can run fastest and have perfect teeth. They’re not like the other girls and boys.
No one will ever know just how much deep Teletubby lore they’re missing out on.

Weep weep 😢 😢 😢 Everyone’s so quietly sad 😢 😢 😢

I’m only talkative at work because it is expected. Everyone thinks I’m weird. A long time ago, I was the quiet one and people gave me grief about it. Can’t lose to win or something.

Addendum: I’m not even allowed to just sit and not talk in the breakroom. People think I’m being rude or am mad at them if I don’t greet every fucking person. Or they think something is wrong. The real weird thing is that nobody ever invites me to do anything. I hate people. Nobody can even relate to my experiences growing up. I’m supposed to come off as friendly and other bullshit, but gods be damned if I want social interaction and romance. That’s too much to expect from this fucking species.

People will use your kindness directly back around on you to take advantage. Seriously shitty people will use your own love for them against you. It’s a sad thing. It divides us more when what we need is to be more united. But it is a very real issue and it’s part of the reason why things are how they are right now.

i just realised that people don’t really want to discuss things. they want to be heard and in return they will hear you.
it’s not something i enjoy.



I can relate. When I’m around people I don’t know i get so nervous I don’t know what to say, but when I am around people I do know it’s like I can think of a million things to say

Or, am a quiet person by nature but have learned to fake being an extravert


Or most people just don’t care about what you have to say so you don’t say it

My experience was just being told to shut up by everyone because I was being too annoying. Now I rarely speak to stranges unless spoken too first

That part

and not everyone is ready to talk in deep contemplative subjects… Majority is happy just talking some senseless shallow crap.

Yeah… pretty much why I’m so quiet, I always end up saying something wrong so I just keep my mouth shut

I’m autistic and get hyper focused on specific topics, for several days sometimes, it’s either I annoy people or just be quiet.

I used to be fun and boisterous and loved making people laugh. That essentially got bullied out of me by a select few at work. Now people at work comment about how quiet I’ve gotten. Sometimes I miss the person I used to be.

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