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And they used to tell me that cars would be flying by now.

Stupid shits going to be driving a ’98 Corolla.

“You think you’ll be able to afford an electric car? Shut up kid”

It’s like when your math teacher said, “You won’t always have a calculator with you.”

It’s all jokes and fun until they get a job with a fleet truck

I think ICE cars will still be here in 5yrs, kiddo 😁 (I assume it’s in US)

Not very believable. Change those ages to 2 and 4

Things that never happend 200

I find it hard to believe that there are any pay phones still around. I haven’t seen one since like 2004

I’ll take “that’s complete horseshit and didn’t happen” for 500 alex

Is there truly anyone on reddit dumb enough to buy this shit??

Jokes on them cuz they will be pumping gas unless some new technology gets discovered making every car an EV is a pipe dream like flying cars in the 60s

Oh shut up Becky they did not

A future of EVs isn’t as realistic as some might think. The resources required for the batteries alone is an issue we have no proper answer too. What we should be hoping for is a future where most people don’t need a car too often.

Ok Alex, I’ll take “things my child has never once said, ever” for $100.

Back in my day we listened to music on a phonograph…

meirl looking at a repost to a post I know I already commented on back then

Sad 🙁

Even if all new cars are electric, the second hand market will still be mostly petrol for a decade or two

The joke is on them. The car you are driving will someday be their college graduation present.

There will still be gas cars in 50 years sure, BUT . . .

I’m 21 and my mom showed me how to use a fucking rotary phone with my cousins toy. Very useable knowledge any day now it’ll come i handy

The kids are just stupid, they’re gonna need that payphone knowledge in future. For videogames, escape rooms and understanding old movies.

And then everybody clapped

Today on things that never happened…

Which is weird since electric cars existed before and were more popular than gas cars until the electric ignition came about and got rid of the need for hand cranks to start the engine.

Her kids are stupid if they think gas vehicles are going to be gone within the next 3-5 years.

Nice story but they never said that.
Do you even have kids?

10 years ago was 2015, pay phones weren’t even a thing by 2010 if this is was posted within the last few years. Why do people feel like typing out dumb made up stories like this?

Electric cars suck. Really hope they die out.

This tweet is from 2022. Those children are now 14 and 17 years old.

Oh sweetie not only will you drive a gas car, but also have to know how to syphon gasoline from the wrecks in the post apocalyptic wasteland

They’ll be thanking you the day the zombie apocalypse breaks out and wipes out the national grid. And lets not forget about that time uncle Eddy taught them how to siphon gas out of cars.

Please repost this again

And for that I would gift them a 2007 Honda accord as their first cars lol

Assuming this is American, he will be driving in 3 years, and due to his parents still having a petrol car, I doubt he will be getting an electric car first. In the UK it’d be 4 years but same deal applies.

Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.

Yeah and unicorns exist.

Has all the internet now become AI quotes? Or have we now been trained by social media to post AI-a-like commentary so as to make human posts as banal as AI has currently achieved, thus when AI advances beyond these “Yeah, of course they did” posts, we will falsely assume we remain dominant when in truth we will have been surpassed?

He’s got a point. Electric cars are coming even though people don’t want them. It’s not government of the people, it’s government in spite of the people.

Well he’s not wrong.

These replies seem intent on this being an impossibility, you’d shit your pants if you travelled to china or korea and saw they’re already a massively growing and affordable option

They’re a little young to never drive a gas powered car unless you’re rich.

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