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I remember that one. In a follow up he posted the kids explanation of the picture.
It’s supposed to be him (the dad) walking the dog (he has a leash attachment for his belt) and he is holding something (a snack of some kind I believe).
Edit: On second thought, it might also have been two thumbs up. Idk

What, can’t a dad piss on a dog on father’s day anymore?! This world has gone to shite.

Nice ankle monitor.

What is this drawing 😂

Giving the middle fingers as well lmao

Bro why you pissing on the dog???? 

The dog: Everything is fine 😐

why is he flipping everyone off ? 🤣

Is the dog not usually speechless?

I fear for your daughter. What has she seen?

So many questions

And we don’t want to know the answers to any of them.

Pencil dad gives no fucks

Dad stubs toe – ‘*PISS ON A DOG!!*

Child takes it literally.

He either pissed on the dog or…. Ejaculated on the dog. Idk whats worse. And the middle fingers + happy expression and the dog seems happy too. Is it pooping tho? 🧐

Wtf is that, I thought it’s supposed to be a cat

Please tell me that’s a canicross belt lead

“I don’t get why everybody is looking at me so weird. Dad often hooks the leash up to his belt, so he has his hands free for shadow puppets.”

Reminds me of the mom who had to clarify she’s not a stripper, she worked retail (?), but her daughter drew her doing pole-dancing. Or so it seemed

Maybe op won a pissing contest and daughter overheard thinking it’s against the dog Lol

Looks like my drawings. Lol

front and center on the fridge

Uhm I’m kinda scared rn lmao

Guys relax. Thats a garden hose

That’s hilarious 😆

Guy peeing on dog while giving out the F-finger.

Great drawing btw. She’s a true artist and a rebel!

The dog now knows that you know

This is the superlative form of masculinity

R Kelly but with dogs…😬

Bro what‘s the leg routine

I had a “where the wild things are” coloring book when I was 6 and drew everyone in it pissing and pooping.

Double flipping off the dog, while pissing on it, moments after the dog pissed on the floor for the third time this week.

OK someone has some explaining to do. What did you kid say was going on in this picture. Cos me and every one looking at this picture seeing something fruity.

Daddy packin’ some serious heat

Her elementary school art teacher will never look at him the same way again!

There are so just so many questions

I can see both why your wife married you and why she will leave you, all in one picture

this shit would be a lot better with context how the fuck its got nearly 4k upvotes

Looks more like a cat TBH.

I’m guessing the piss is actually meant to be a leash?

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