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This is exactly what George Washington fought and died for.

That’s why I don’t use those, I wish I had slimmer thighs to use them, they’re so cute though 😭😭

if this is a problem for you dm me i’m tryna see something

this is horny bait and I can’t say I didn’t fall for it

Thicc thighs save lives as they say. But I can understand your shorts/pants cutting into yourself with the tightness.

I used to wear women’s swim shorts but they are all stretchy material and ride up like crazy. Switched to board shorts and there’s no going back. I ended up just wearing them as shorts everywhere that Summer. And I’ll do it again.

i’m not seeing a problem here

That’s why I just stick to undies.

Easy fix. Take 5 steps backwards.

I wish I had had this kind of thing when I was a teenager so I could see that my problems were common. I felt so weird and abnormal about things like shorts riding up or larger thighs.

Edit: I don’t think I had really large thighs, but they weren’t firm or fit like I thought I saw on other people.

Those aren’t shorts. They are jean panties.

Mood though

Everyone liked that.

Sorry but if you’re shorts fit like that on the left when you first put them on- they don’t fit you

Absolutely hate when they do that my thighs be making all my shorts roll

If you’re worried about chafing, using a lube on your inner thighs can prevent that

Wear shorts that fit

And then you get the chub rub, thank god for whoever invented the anti chafing stick. Saves my mermaid thighs.

As a dude with thicc thighs I also have this pro but with my boxers at work. Chafes the fuck outta my right leg

Take those steps. It’s actually probably annoying for you I imagine. Hot tho

this is truly a blessing in disguise. thicc thighs save lives

Maybe because the shorts don’t fit you ?

Every damned time.

This post is so specific to body type💀

I know tight clothing is liked by many for various reasons, but I’m gonna be that mom voice and remind everyone of the health risks. Especially if it’s frequent or for prolonged periods of time.

Not to mention, the waist area can be particularly problematic. We have internal organs and blood vessels there that would prefer to function long-term. 😆

maybe try wearing actual shorts instead of some jean underwear

Why I wear basketball shorts

Women usually say they like rolled up sleeves on men, I’m thinkin I like rolled up shorts on women.

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