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Straight millennial man, and i find the vibe at hooters really uncomfortable. Ive been only one time as an adult with my dad’s boomer friends and it was just an environment of horny old men oogling young waitresses who were clearly only putting up with it for the tips. Hell, just make it a normal restaurant and id go for some mid wings every once in a while in a pinch. Throw in some owls? Yeah man im in.

There’s a chain of restaurants in Ohio called “The Winking Lizard” and each one used to have its own resident Bearded Dragon. I always would ask to sit by the lizard before they were removed.

I would so go if it were an owl themed Restaurant.

I’d go. Would wait in line if I have to.

If I wanna look at scantily clad women that I can’t have, I’ll just google it

last time I went to hooters was because my work-trip flight landed just before a football game I wanted to watch. My hotel was in Pensacola Beach and everywhere was packed. After trying a few places, Hooters was the only place I could quickly get in and sit down at the bar and watch the game

And I will admit, my server was very attractive and it did add something to the experience. Though I am married and “occasional glance” is the extent of my interest. But it is weird how being married and wearing a ring definitely has changed how random women react to me. She was so “friendly” that it was almost uncomfortable as a married man.

I’m a genxer and I might be interested in entering a Hooters, ever, if they had owls.

It will be a hoot

I will definately come if real owls are in the restaurant. 

They could show the Superb Owl

Superb Owl

The Daytona wings are bomb and their breaded ones are bomb.

This would work on me, I would be a regular at ***any place*** that showed off nocturnal birds of prey.

Wait……Hooters is still a thing?

Going to a mid resteraunt to ogle women is not something that is very appealing. It feels gross. Wearing skimpy clothing and being overly friendly to get big tips from horny men feels desperate and off putting on both ends. I’d never set foot in a hooters.

I would eat shitty grilled cheese to pet owls

Not a millennial, still would come for the real owls.

Nice set a hooters ya got there.

It’s true, make it an owl cafe and give the staff regular uniforms and it might actually make a comeback. No one wants to go feel awkward and eat mediocre food, we can get the mediocre food anywhere. Cute owls, however

I’d prefer kittens

That’d be pretty sick

Hoot hoot mfer

I mean… The food is terrible. Let’s be real, if they want millennials to come to Hooters, it would 100% be about the food.

Yeah hooters are filled with millennials already. Guess regardless of the generator. That type always exists.

I can aprove, if they had owls I would definitely go there

Absolutely. Then I can do the dumb and dumber joke over and over lol.

“Nice hooters!…….. the owls!”

I’d go to a restraint to see owls.

What? There’s a snowy owl at the hooters downtown? Ok I’ll be there in 10 min with my binoculars!

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Hooters used to be a place where attractive women went to work and get hit on by losers but often compensated by large tips for flirting and such. Since DEI and lawsuits now they hire any fatty or string bean flat chested no butt having woman. Truthfully their food sucks and I’m unsure how they’re even still in business… never liked the place even when the women were attractive working there.

Just turn it into a maid cafe. A lot of us like Japan too much.

Or better food like BBQ wings

My buddies and I used to be there every Thursday when we were still in high school and after we graduated. My buddy even got one of the prettier girls numbers and became friends with her. Most the girls weren’t pretty but the unlimited boneless wings on Thursdays were a steal .

Hooters has gone downhill 80% of the chicks that work there are solid 2’s there is usually only 1 chick that’s a 7 or better and a couple of 4’s.

If there were more hot chicks that worked there like tilted kilt or twin peaks more people would go to hooters

I went to Hooters once, genuinely just for the wings. And it wasn’t just bunch of waitresses being hot, it was creepy.

I would absolutely go if there were different varieties of owls there.

Or just rename it to something like Bob’s Food and make it a normal fucking restaurant.

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