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Sounds like some polite kid

did the kitten say “you’re welcome ?”

I laughed at the implications of some random dude in a vet waiting room just being like “I’m autistic too! Wanna pet my cat?”

Arigatou, neko-kun

I initially read this as the parent taking their child with autism to the vet, rather than the doctor.

Then, I felt guilty for misreading it.

Real shit, I mean the kitten was the one doing all the work! My body my choice!!!

My 2 year old son would definitely thank the cat too

I’m not seeing the point of mentioning both of them being autistic but cool


That autism bait

Just makes sense.

Looking at the profile picture I’m assuming the diagnosis was self done

When kids ask if they can pet my dog I always tell them to ask the dog. It’s a very nice dog so he’s fine with pets but I like to teach the kids to approach the dog gently and respectfully before jumping in to pet him. A lot of kids get hurt from startled dogs.

Sometimes when I walk under trees, I reach up and give them a high five as thanks for the shade and oxygen. So I was watching my cousins kids one day and the 9 year old caught me doing this. So now she thanks the trees too.

If you replace the word ‘kitten’ with ‘pussy’, the story goes in a completely different direction.

Why did autism need to be brought into this story?

Um, yeah he thanked the cat. As you should.

Why is a claimed psychological disorder relevant here? Autism has nothing to do with this, why do people feel the need to mention it 24/7 like it’s their whole personality.

Am I autistic because I would say thanks to cat as well and I’m a grown man

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